Have any of you ever done this???

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These two things I did one day were pretty cool and I was wondering if any of you have tried them.

1. Get an empty milk jug, fill 1/2 the way up with water or non flammable liquid (theres a reason for this), cut a little circle of aluminum (SP?) foil and place over lid of jug, shoot it. The effect is the piece of foil goes flying and it just plain looks cool.

2. Get an expired bottle of Chez-Whiz or Reddi-Whip, shoot with a pellet gun. Cheese goes every where!! But never waste good cheese doing this.

Sorry, I'm waiting for the lobby scene of the Matrix to come on HBO...

Shoplifters will be beaten, stabbed, and stomped. Survivors will be prosecuted.


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
in Australia? that's odd... from my trip there when I was about 7, one of my memorable memories was the arsenal (and I meen it) of one of the farmers we visited there...

I've seen a lot of farms here in Canada and a lot of guns, but never something as important as over there...


--- Geogob ---
The only way out is the C4 way

[This message has been edited by geogob (edited 04-12-2000).]


New Member
Nov 13, 1999
Perth, WA, Australia
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Yes WHEN u were 7 were the good o' days, now thanx to Johnny Howard we cant buy semi or automatic weapons! > /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif Kill him!

But we could keep the guns we bought earlier = hide 'em! /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif


As long as I live!


de oppresso liber
Mar 2, 2000
Tucson, AZ, US
I hate gun laws like that... here in the US they stopped the manufacturing of clips that hold more than 10, and "assault weapons" (a misnomer anyway, they mean semi-auto rifles) with 2 or more "dangerous" features, like bayonet and grenade launcher lugs (I believe there is no record of crimes ever being committed in the US with a bayonet or rifle-mounted grenade launcher), retractable stocks, pistol grips, or flash suppressors...

BUT, you can keep the ones you already own... and most of the people that like these things already have them, so they aren't pissed off... but now the next generation of gun owners (which I will fall into) will be royally f*cked trying to find recycled magazines and rifles.

Yet another example of gun control increasing crime, if I can't find the stuff I want legally I won't hesitate to go post-ban and break these silly laws, I already know people who do, and said so in front of a Cop (Pima County SWAT team sniper, he hunts deer with us), and he agreed completely and assured him what is said at deer camp stays there.

[This message has been edited by DeadeyeDan[ToA] (edited 04-12-2000).]


New Member
Nov 13, 1999
Perth, WA, Australia
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Yeah but deadeye, the gun laws here means NO guns, just 1 shot, reload guns! NOT even BOLT ACTION!!!!

I wish I was in US, at least I could buy a proper gun, and I wouldnt have to buy replicas off a cop!

I've got 4 replicas of Colt .45 1911-A2 pistols, hehe! I pull 'em apart and put 'em back in while I wait for UT to boot up!

Excellent pistol though! I've got empty clips, but still, I scare off halloween trick-a-treating pricks! It really works! Just put the clip in, and point it at da kids, and watch 'em run! hehe!

If you know anything bout smuggling arms, gimme a call!


As long as I live!


de oppresso liber
Mar 2, 2000
Tucson, AZ, US
It's only illegal if the magazine was made after the law was passed ('94 I think) -companies still make mags for guns made for 10+ rounds, but there is a plug or something in the way blocking the 11'th round from entering (yes tinkering with the magazine yourself to increase capacity after '94 is illegal too). If it was made before the law it's still legal, but they are getting harder to find and more expensive. That's why I hate those laws... if it were making them all illegal shooters and gun fanciers would raise hell and try to get the law shot down at all costs, but most already had all the 10+ round mags they needed, so they were more passive, and now my generation pays the price.


de oppresso liber
Mar 2, 2000
Tucson, AZ, US
I don't make'em, I just break'em.

Good question... and there's probably at least 3 or 4 good questions for every gun control law passed in America today. The trick is to not try to apply any logic to laws whatsoever- after all, they are politicians.

The way I see it there's 4 possibilities...

1- They really are braindead idiots who expect some good to come out of this shit.

2- They're trying to hinder the capability of gun-owners (probably specifically thinking about militias) to protect themselves against tyranny.

3- They're putting on a song and dance to fool all the ignorant people out there and make them look good for their next election.

4- Any mix of the previous 3.


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
5) Cosmetic surgery to "flip" their gastrointestinal tracts around has made them constantly talk out of their asses.

That's what I call some verbal diarhea.


New Member
Nov 13, 1999
Perth, WA, Australia
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Ah... OK... hehehe... yes... (Sorry I'm trying to control myself)... OK... he. hehe... HEHEHEHHEHAHAHHAHAHAHHHHOOHHOHOHOHHAHHAHHAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL OOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! LOTS OF LAUGHS!!!!!! HEHEHEHHE!!!! Bad.Mojo, you're the Clan Comedian... HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAhahahahahha... hahaha... haha... ha... LOL! LOLOLOL! (Sorry I cant control...) HEHEHEHHEH!!!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAHHAHA!!!!

(What I meant = Good Joke)

SFA Clan Sniper

As long as I live!

Loyal to SFA!
As long as I live!