Hats Off To Dev's coders and etc

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New Member
Oct 24, 2003
Visit site
OMG! I just got back from deployment last tuesday. Ran to the store and picked up UT2004. Been a long time since i have had the chance to enjoy a lockdown. I am off to find out who all has hung around from the old jailbreak community. I havent had allot of time over the last year. Military sending me here and there. As of now im home for a long time to come. Bring It On


Places i visited.

Anyone from there?

Rota Spain

Catania Sicily

San salvador, equador

London England

Bamberg, Germany

Cant wait till tomorrow. hopefully all those patches and other things i need will be downloaded by then. BTW what else do i need to make ut2004 jailbreak work?


Thanks again


New Member
Nov 6, 2001
Visit site
Hello its me again /\ /\

same guy. apparantly i had 2 log ins here. me thinks it carried over from atari forums.

Just wanted to say The game is installed and its a blast. I was saddened by ut 2003 but forgive im not sure what all as been updated. (i see alot) but ut 2004 freaking rules.

less than 24 hours till jailbreak 2004.

hey is jb ut2004 gonna be sent to fileplanet.com?

if not will there be enough bandwidth for everyone to d/l from here?


Staff member
Jun 4, 2001
There will be the standard four BU mirrors and several other files. I'm sure FilePlanet picks it up as well, but it's not on our release mirror list, if I recall correctly.