Along these lines, why can't you get in the driver's seat of a vehicle that is camping a deploy point in his gunner seat? Or, the other way around (if enemy is driving, be able to get in the gunner seat and potentially blow them up). Imagine driving a vehicle with an enemy in the gunner seat... purposely drive off a cliff or into a wall, but eject 1st
Btw, I'm being serious. It would probably increase teamwork, by making gunners/drivers stick together more, instead of leaving the driver/gunner seat open for potential hijackers.
And what about forcewalls and mines... might be cool to be able to hack enemy forcewalls/mines in order to deactivate them, then be able to pick them back up or something. You should even be able to hack your own forcewalls/mines, but more quickly than enemy mines, so that you can put them back in inventory. Only the class responsible for the deployable should be able to hack it though, IMO. Ex: tech can hack enemy turrets, but not enemy mines.
Another thought, why can't you simply deactivate deployables (ex: turrets) permanently and reactivate them later, without having to pick them up. The default deactivation period (for turrets) is way too short and basically useless. I don't think anyone ever does that... they just pick up the turrets, or blow them up.