Hackable Turrets.

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Maestro PaN

Turret Whore
Feb 15, 2005
Tampa, FL
If I can hack keybads, energy sources, deploy points etc., why can't I hack enemy turrets?
Get behind a turret and hack it for a few seconds to make it shoot at the other team.
Might help tendancies toward turret-fests.


Philosopher stoned
Nov 1, 2004
Pretty good idea I´d say. I got the same idea some time ago but I didn´t bother posting it. I think it would make people more careful with turrets around when you can´t be sure that the turret you just put shoot the enemy, not you. It would twist the game balance pretty much to yet unknown direction. Maybe this would do as a nice little mutator. Turrets in XMP are pretty well balanced as people have become better and better countering them. I mostly greet them as free points for gunner.


Co-Founder, U2XMP [Ч] Clan
Feb 26, 2004
teh Intarweb, duh
Along these lines, why can't you get in the driver's seat of a vehicle that is camping a deploy point in his gunner seat? Or, the other way around (if enemy is driving, be able to get in the gunner seat and potentially blow them up). Imagine driving a vehicle with an enemy in the gunner seat... purposely drive off a cliff or into a wall, but eject 1st :lol: Btw, I'm being serious. It would probably increase teamwork, by making gunners/drivers stick together more, instead of leaving the driver/gunner seat open for potential hijackers.

And what about forcewalls and mines... might be cool to be able to hack enemy forcewalls/mines in order to deactivate them, then be able to pick them back up or something. You should even be able to hack your own forcewalls/mines, but more quickly than enemy mines, so that you can put them back in inventory. Only the class responsible for the deployable should be able to hack it though, IMO. Ex: tech can hack enemy turrets, but not enemy mines.

Another thought, why can't you simply deactivate deployables (ex: turrets) permanently and reactivate them later, without having to pick them up. The default deactivation period (for turrets) is way too short and basically useless. I don't think anyone ever does that... they just pick up the turrets, or blow them up.
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Maestro PaN

Turret Whore
Feb 15, 2005
Tampa, FL
Bleeder said:
Along these lines, why can't you get in the driver's seat of a vehicle that is camping a deploy point in his gunner seat? Or, the other way around (if enemy is driving, be able to get in the gunner seat and potentially blow them up). Imagine driving a vehicle with an enemy in the gunner seat... purposely drive off a cliff or into a wall, but eject 1st

At first I thought, "no!", but after reflection I was thinking, "yes!".


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
Being able to hack everything would give techs an advantage in a deployable fest, no?

Hmmmm....strange idea.


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Oct 25, 2003
Everett, WA
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T-Shinzon said:
Being able to hack everything would give techs an advantage in a deployable fest, no?

Hmmmm....strange idea.

Yes you right... So... Hmmm... Then.. you need to counterbalance the classes with additional alternative advantages :D


Philosopher stoned
Nov 1, 2004
Maybe better than plain hacking, turrets could be hacked when they´ve got a hit from EMP weapon. This would mean that emp-grenades just jammed vehicles and turrets and destroying them would require concrete damage. Pickable/hackable force walls? As if lawn darts weren´t pathetic enough as they are now, they would be plain joke. IMO force walls should do serious damage to both teammates and enemies when touched.


BuF Greeter, News Bagger
Apr 19, 2002
Columbus, OH
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considering how deployables are not terribly useful anyway (especially forcewalls), I really don't see the point in nerfing them instead of gas nades or the ranger pistol. And that's basically what you'd be doing by making them hackable.

Deployables have enough balance as it is, between the fact that they are not very powerful by themselves, easy to destroy and to place them in an effective grouping starts to take up more team energy (note to others, please leave some energy for thronewatchers, kthxbye).

The way deployables are behaving NOW I can understand the frustration, but in U2 they weren't that hard to get around with a minimal amount of movement skills.
Jan 13, 2005
Tampa FL
i posted this in another thread but it aplies here also...
ok... i play xmp because i like the weapons and movement way better than onlsaught, but utxmp could take a few things from onlaught that would improve the game experiance. first on the respawning vehicles point, wouldnt it be great if the enemy vehicles were locked as in onlsaught? makes sense that the enemy shouldnt be able to hop in ur raptor and take off without first having to hack it or something. an enemy should not be able to hop in the tank at ur own base and spawn kill you with it, but if able, people have and will continue to do such horible things. second, ece vehilces like the cicada do not upset the xmp game very much as it is easy to take them out, maby a modification to them such as the driver not being able to shoot would even up the score with the normal xmp vehicles. hacking turrets would be a great idea, and if u think it would upset the game too much how bout being able to insatnly disconect a turret from behind by yanking out the wires or something, just an idea. i think if theese ideas were implemented it would vastly improve the xmp gameplay by making it harder to get out of bases with the arti and making poeple think twice about where they put their turrets. then again i am a noob so i could be wrong.

plus... the force walls are a joke... the actuall foce wall should be hard as hell to kill, like maby 5 or more rockets while the posts should be relativly easy to take out. considering the amount of energy they use they are not currently worth the trouble unless in a map with virtually unlimited energy like arena. the idea that the force walls hurt a player by touching them would be very cool and just might make them a valueble resource. the auto turrets should have a fireing spread like in u2xmp that increases the farther u are away from the turret. turrets should not be more acurate than the assault rifle. thats all i have to say for now... omni


BuF Greeter, News Bagger
Apr 19, 2002
Columbus, OH
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I'm inclined to disagree for the most part, tho I think it would benefit forcewalls if they did mild damage or at least had a knockback effect if people walked into them.


Reach out and torch someone
theomniproject said:
second, ece vehilces like the cicada do not upset the xmp game very much as it is easy to take them out, maby a modification to them such as the driver not being able to shoot would even up the score with the normal xmp vehicles.
Ok, so the example cicada. Remove the driver's ability to fire. Basically, you have a flying raptor (without boost) that has a more powerful and more accurate gun and more hp.
Yeah, that's balanced.
Jan 13, 2005
Tampa FL
fireball said:
Ok, so the example cicada. Remove the driver's ability to fire. Basically, you have a flying raptor (without boost) that has a more powerful and more accurate gun and more hp.
Yeah, that's balanced.
have you shot a cicada out of the sky? not that hard really... maby the weapon damage effects xmp vehicles different than the ece vehicles. i just think flying is cool in xmp... if i knew how i would mod the damn things


Reach out and torch someone
Well, no, I've not played with the ECE vehicles yet. Different damage levels could explain it, though. Makes sense since the sniper does, what, 40 to a player (non-HS) and 10 to a vehicle? I'm surprised they restricted it to the XMP vehicles though. Either it's doing on XMPSRaptor (or whatever) and the other two, and thus third-party vehicles will never work correctly, or it's done based on an XMPVehicle parent, in which case I don't see why it's not just done to the Vehicle base.
But I just hate the idea of flying in XMP anyway. Maybe if you dropped the arti, but eh.
Jan 13, 2005
Tampa FL
T-Shinzon said:
You do? I think I capped an arty via the (UT2004 Flying) Raptor....wtf?
you drop the arti in a manta raptor or cicada... same as VCTF. takes 3 or 4 sniper shots to kill a cicada. and one or 2 shotgun blast kill a manta or raptor. main problem is that there are no animations for the characters maby due to not having the animations file in the utxmp directory. plus the alt fire rockets do not damge a cicada but they do a raptor. not sure about mantas though. if u want to be sneaky give the arti carrier a ride on the wing of the manta, that always works... and as far as i see it the poeple that are playing vote for the levels. if they hate the vehicles then they dont have to vote for it. i for one dont like the leviathin in storm but evrytime we play it i make sure to abuse the hell out of that thing. i think it takes over 50 rockets to destroy it, but there is a bug that evens it out. if u hit a leviathan with a tank the person in the leviathans veiw will bug out making the levi unsusable for them sometimes for the rest of the game. that is sometimes ur only chance...