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New Member
Jan 31, 2000
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I can´t understand this ... who needs guns in normal life??? For protection??? Come on I can´t believe you want protect yourself with a gun... do you want to shoot the guy who wants to steel something out of your home, or the guy that piss you off in the public transport??? Outlaws will always have guns ... but a gunfight with those people is not a solution for that!! this thing reminds me the armamentsituation between countries... when the outlaws know that the people they want to steal from/rape/kill/kidnapp or whatevver are armed they will get better guns and if you know the outlaws have good "material" you want to have better one and so on and so on. For my protection against brutal outlaws I have the armed police I do not need a own gun. I had a gun in my 10 years of militaryservice in the german BW but I was lucky and I had never to use it against people. And for sportsreasons ... ok.. may the sportsman have special sportsguns which are placed in their shootingranges and they will not allowed to carry them. And rifles for hunting for the fucking people who do this for fun and for the people who do this to care for nature to protect overpopulation of some species in our menmade "nature". So I hope we will have a very stringent gunregulation in the whole EU!!!



de oppresso liber
Mar 2, 2000
Tucson, AZ, US
"who needs guns in normal life???"

Oh please. You shouldn't outlaw things because of lack of necessity. Any hypocrites that want to start doing so in the name of saving lives should definately start with cars. I can't speak for Germans, but here in America there are more guns than cars, but cars kill MANY more people every year. Just in case you were going to say "no, I need my car", you are dead wrong, you don't need a car any more than I need a gun. The world didn't stand still before the invention of internal combustion engines, and wouldn't stand still if transportation was limited to the public kind.

"I can??t believe you want protect yourself with a gun"

As opposed to what? Dying? Using gun to protect yourself is statistically (and physically, if you know what your doing) safer than protecting yourself with a weapon that isn't a firearm, and safer than just being passive and letting the criminal do what he wants. (Again, stats are for the US)

"do you want to shoot the guy who wants to steel something out of your home, or the guy that piss you off in the public transport???"

I'm sure no gun owners I know want to shoot anybody, that's only the last resort. Here in the US, in 98% of our 2,500,000 anual actions of self defense using a firearm, there are no shots fired. And that is the ideal conclusion, scaring off or detaining the criminal without hurting anyone or causing any damage.

"Outlaws will always have guns"

Absolutely 100% correct.

"but a gunfight with those people is not a solution for that!!"

As I said before, very rarely does an actual gunfight ensue when someone protects themselves with a gun. But if things lead to that, the victim probably only has 2 choices: A gunfight, or getting hurt/robbed/raped/killed.

"this thing reminds me the armamentsituation between countries... when the outlaws know that the people they want to steal from/rape/kill/kidnapp or whatevver are armed they will get better guns and if you know the outlaws have good "material" you want to have better one and so on and so on."

So, your suggesting we all just give up the balance of power, and let people do whatever they want to us? Just throw away all your country's weapons and let some empire come in, so they can rule you with an iron fist for a few years before they start exterminating you? Yea, that sounds smart. Cases of criminals using assault rifles and the like are extremely rare, criminals usually go for cheap, small caliber handguns that fit in pockets.

"For my protection against brutal outlaws I have the armed police I do not need a own gun."

Good for you, if only everyone lived with 50 german supercops on every corner... unfortunately, I don't. I don't know about you, but I can not and will not rely on a police force to protect me, they simply cannot be everywhere at once (on average it takes over 30 minutes for US police to arrive on the scene of a 911 call), and as a matter of fact they don't even HAVE to protect me, they can rightfully ignore my 911 call if they decide it's not of importance- their job is to catch people who break laws and put them in prison, which in turn keeps the citizens safer as a whole... the fact that they help people in immediate need of protection is based solely on the fact that they decide to do so.

"And for sportsreasons ... ok.. may the sportsman have special sportsguns which are placed in their shootingranges and they will not allowed to carry them. And rifles for hunting for the fucking people who do this for fun and for the people who do this to care for nature to protect overpopulation of some species in our menmade "nature"."

Ok, what do you hope to accomplish by this? Once again, I can't speak for Germany, but in the US that could mean up to 2,500,000 more innocent people dying each year... and the very maximum people it could save is somewhere around 35,000... but like you said, "Outlaws will always have guns", so those people probably aren't going to live either.

And yes, I do realize you ended the post talking about Europe and not the US, but I don't know many stats of the like about other countries, and if Europians are admitting that "Outlaws will always have guns", then gun control would probably have the same damaging effect there, too.

Criminals armed + civilians unarmed + police not superhumans with psychic powers and infinite manpower/resources = alot of dead/hurt/raped/robbed civilians.

Shot four puppet governors in a line,
Shook all tha world bankers, who think they can rhyme,
Shot the landlords, who knew it was mine,
Yes, its a war from the depth of time!

[This message was edited by DeadeyeDan[ToA] on Jul 18, 2000 at 19:05.]


New Member
Jan 31, 2000
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ok Ithink there are just two opossite positions in this case... I don´t know very much about the situation in US in case of criminals... may be you are right and you need a gun for selfprotection there because otherwise you will always be a helpless victim. But I blieve that we can handle this in EU without private guns... it has worked so far and I hope I really hope it will work for the future because brutality is raising in my country too (4 Policemen killed a few weeks ago in normal Trafficcontrols...) So lets see it as my personal opinion without impartial proofs, that guns for everybody is a bad thing. Wish every US Gunowner that he will never come in a situation to use it or even to menace with it!



de oppresso liber
Mar 2, 2000
Tucson, AZ, US
Ok, I can accept that, except for one tiny thing:

"it has worked so far"

I would have to disagree there, I do know some things about gun control in Europe, and Switzerland has one of the lowest crime rates going over there, and there's an assault rifle in pretty much every home. Italy on the other hand, has some of the strictest gun control in Europe, and the crime rates in the little Italian provinces in the mediterranean are somewhere around 30 times that of Switzerland.

AFAIK there are no recorded correlataions of increased gun control with decreased crime rates in Europe. If I'm wrong i'd gladly be pointed to a graph or table that shows otherwise... but I'm very doubtful of that, and even if you could show it the first thing that would pop into my head would be the word "coincidence"... because like you said, criminals will always have guns... so you might as well give them a reason to be afraid to commit a crime, rather than letting them kill and maim with impunity.

Shot four puppet governors in a line,
Shook all tha world bankers, who think they can rhyme,
Shot the landlords, who knew it was mine,
Yes, its a war from the depth of time!


New Member
Nov 4, 2000
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The guns

The only reason I would buy a gun is for sport. Do you like archery? Well firing a gun can be 10 times funner. Also lance about crime in the US they have the most deaths from guns. /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif


de oppresso liber
Mar 2, 2000
Tucson, AZ, US
LOL... no Asskicker, not even close.

"Of more statistical merit in measuring firearms' value, they are involved in only 1.6% of deaths nationwide (National Center for Health Statistics) and are used for self-protection approximately 2.5 million times annually (Gary Kleck, Targeting Guns, 1997), 77 times the annual number of firearm-related deaths (National Center for Health Statistics) and up to five times the number of firearm-related violent crimes. (FBI)"

Shot four puppet governors in a line,
Shook all tha world bankers, who think they can rhyme,
Shot the landlords, who knew it was mine,
Yes, its a war from the depth of time!


New Member
Dec 13, 1999
here's the death statistics for the US in 1995

ALL CAUSES 2,169,518

1. Heart Diseases 720,862
2. Cancers 514,657
3. Strokes 143,481
4. ACCIDENTS (Individual break down) 89,347
Motor Vehicles 43,536
Falls 12,662
Poisoning 6,434
Drowning 4,685
Suffocation 4,195
Fires 4,120
Surgical/Medical Misadventures 2,473
Other Transportation 2,086
Natural/Environmental Factors 1,453
Firearms 1,441
5. Chronic Pulmonary Diseases 90,650
6. Pneumonia and Influenza 77,860
7. Diabetes 48,951
8. Suicide* 30,810
9. HIV Infections (AIDS) 29,555
10. Homicide and Legal Intervention** 26,513
11. Cirrhosis and other Liver Diseases 25,429

* Approximately 60% involve firearms
**Approximately 60% involve firearms. Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck estimates 1,500 - 2,800 self-defence and justifiable homicides by civilians and 300-600 by police annually.

"People hate me because I am a multifaceted, talented, wealthy, internationally famous genius. "
Jerry Lewis


Active Member
Apr 2, 2000
We must ban all cars, they cause 30 times more deaths than guns. I don't care if you use it to get around, you're a potential killer in that vehicle! You can walk, just like in the old days.

Do it for the children.

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New Member
Dec 13, 1999
after having actualy stared down the barrel of a criminal's gun, I can tell you that even if the left here in America gets away with the distruction of the 2nd Amendment (and starts they're assault on the 1st) I will still own a gun.

It's better to be judged by 12 then carried by 6

"People hate me because I am a multifaceted, talented, wealthy, internationally famous genius. "
Jerry Lewis


New Member
Jan 31, 2000
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ok cars and a lot of other stuff is dangerous, but the original use for these things is not to hurt or kill persons and nobody can tell me that there is another use for weapons. they are made to hurt or kill creatures especially mankind. You can use them for other things for sports or maybe to open beerbottles. Btw most of deadly accidents with cars had the reason in illegal using: To fast, to drunken etc. so don´t bann cars bann stupid drivers and bann stupid gunowners or better way make it very very difficult to buy/own them!!!!



de oppresso liber
Mar 2, 2000
Tucson, AZ, US
So fucking what if they weren't designed to kill? They still do, and do alot more often than guns do.

Btw, the ORIGINAL purpose of guns was to knock down castle walls, shooting them at people came later.

"nobody can tell me that there is another use for weapons"

"You can use them [guns] for other things for sports or maybe to open beerbottles"

Ummmm, ok. That's a tad contradictory, but oh well. Btw I seriously doubt any noticable percentage of the gun-owning population uses firearms to open beer bottles. Shooting for fun, hunting, and protection are much more common uses.

"Btw most of deadly accidents with cars had the reason in illegal using: To fast, to drunken etc. so don´t bann cars bann stupid drivers"

EXACTLY! We cannot ban some object because it is the tool of an already illegal crime! (Because then you hurt all the honest, good people that use said objects, when the criminals already can have charges against them for misusing said objects.) The same goes for cars AND guns.

"and bann stupid gunowners or better way make it very very difficult to buy/own them!!!!"

1- It will never, ever, EVER be "very very difficult" to obtain a gun. Obtaining a gun legally, we could make that hard to do, but obtaining a gun illegally isn't very hard at all, and no laws are going to change that. Only beefing up law enforcement agencies could make any impact (a small one at that) on the black market at all.

2- The media-induced myth of the "crazy redneck gun owner" is a bunch of bullshit. If you showed me some cold hard facts that indicate that alot of legal gun owners are irrisponsible, things would be different, but in truth, the average legal gun owner is very responsible. The rednecked ones are the minority, and do much MUCH less damage to society than say, drinking and driving. If Handgun Control Inc.'s real purpose was to save lives, they'd disband and all join anti-drunk driving organizations.

Shot four puppet governors in a line,
Shook all tha world bankers, who think they can rhyme,
Shot the landlords, who knew it was mine,
Yes, its a war from the depth of time!

[This message was edited by DeadeyeDan[ToA] on Aug 01, 2000 at 13:56.]


New Member
Dec 13, 1999
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> If Handgun Control Inc.'s real purpose was to save lives, they'd disband and all join anti-drunk driving organizations. [/quote]

or they would join the NRA, which has done more to prevent accidents with firearms then any laws could.

If you could honestly make the case that taking guns away from law abiding citizens would actualy make the world a safer place, then I'd be in the front of that parade to Washington to have the 2nd amendment erased. But the facts don't back up the anti-gun claim.

In many areas of the US, local governments have passed conceal carry laws, which permit one to get a license to legaly carry a handgun concealed.
In every state or city that has allowed the law abiding to carry; property crime has gone down. Accedental deaths from firearms have gone down. Rape and Murder are down.
In cities where gun control is tougher (like Washington DC) property crime is high, murder is high, rape is high.

do you see a pattern here?

I'm gonna get off my soap box. Gun control is a topic that will usualy get me bitching for hours.

For a whole gob of info on the issue check out this link...

"People hate me because I am a multifaceted, talented, wealthy, internationally famous genius. "
Jerry Lewis


Infiltration lead level designer
Jun 1, 2000
Washington State
OT poll on this issue

In case anyone in this thread missed it, here's the OT poll that started this whole debate:

Gun regulation

Wonderful to see it's remaining civil too! Way to go guys. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
<h2><font face="symbol">
a 1001</font></h2>

"Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."

John Donne