The GTW is proud to announce the release of our Alpha release preview. This is small collection of videos that we have made. (Let the flaming of Random's kick ass video skills begin!) The video has three quality settings.
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To view the video you will need the Lame MP3 codec and the xvid codec.
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GTW is now playable and features the majority of the GTW gameplay. We currently working on a release at the end of the week (minus any major problems).
Here is a preview pic of how load start the match. Two batterys are spawned in a random location near the switch (thats the old mesh). The players will then pick up the batterys and deploy the solar power generator and the inventory station.
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To view the video you will need the Lame MP3 codec and the xvid codec.
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Download Xvid Codec
GTW is now playable and features the majority of the GTW gameplay. We currently working on a release at the end of the week (minus any major problems).
Here is a preview pic of how load start the match. Two batterys are spawned in a random location near the switch (thats the old mesh). The players will then pick up the batterys and deploy the solar power generator and the inventory station.