> Isn't putting your face over a fire work to see if it went off something like looking down the barrel of a gun and pulling the trigger to check if its still loaded?
Not if one is assuming the shell HAS fired. Remember, they think they're looking into an EMPTY tube. And even if it wasn't, they wouldn't be expecting the shell to function several minutes after the fuse was lit. Sad fact is, duds have been known to function from lingering heat/sparks for up to 30 minutes after firing.
> Anyways, I'm not licensed, but I still make pyrotechnics shows, mostly because my training comes from not being an idiot. I graduated from official pyromaniac to unofficial pyrotechnician a few years ago. That and the DND graciously provided me with ALOT of sapper training, so now I can build anything from homemade bottle rockets to homemade plastic explosives, just like mom used to make.
Bad.Mojo, sounds like you and I need to get together. Bring yourself and your GF over to Winnipeg and we'll use up this 40 lbs. of KClO4 I got left over from the last PGI convention. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif If you're interested in getting your supervisor's license, I'd be more than happy to have you assist in a show or two (you need to assist as an apprentice in 3 shows before ERD will give you a full supervisor's license). Only problem is, it's a long drive from Ottawa to Winnipeg AFAIK...
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