umm, ok /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif . I decided to use the forum instead of email because you seem to respond more here than at your email for some reason.
What pictures do you have of the HK mk23 socom? I have the good one from and one from but was just wondering what different ones you may have. Putting them up on this topic will be fine.
Thank you
------------------------ <The Infiltration custum skin shop (and a bit more)>
[This message was edited by Darkliege on Jun 21, 2000 at 22:36.]
What pictures do you have of the HK mk23 socom? I have the good one from and one from but was just wondering what different ones you may have. Putting them up on this topic will be fine.
Thank you
------------------------ <The Infiltration custum skin shop (and a bit more)>
[This message was edited by Darkliege on Jun 21, 2000 at 22:36.]