Gryphon: A pyrotechnics qestion for you...

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Old Timer
Mar 13, 2000
Would you consider yourself to be an amateur pyrotechnician, or a professional (by "professional", I mean: Do people pay you to put on displays)? If the later, have you ever seen/participated in the Symphony of Fire? I hear it's pretty spectacular.




Active Member
Apr 2, 2000
Yes, I am a professional pyrotechnician but only during the summer months when it's popular up here. I don't do very many shows on my own - there just isn't the market for it. But whenever my name is on the app I get my shooter's fee. My longest haul was from Winnipeg to Red Rock, Ontario (1 km east of Thunder Bay) and back again. Now THAT was a long drive, especially seeing as how I had about 9 hours to do it in and the radio was busted.

I've seen after-show reports on the Symphony competitions and pictures, but nothing much beyond that. I figure I'll get there eventually, I have plenty of time. Once you start doing pyro a lot, you get used to the big stuff and aren't as impressed by it anymore. Or at least, that's how I feel right now, but it's probably just depression since very little turns me on much anymore..

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