Here's how, if I had magical powers, I would revamp the grenade.
Primary fire throws grenade. Only. It doesn't arm it, it throws it. When you press primary fire, an indicator on the screen pops up. From this indicator you get an idea how far you're throwing it (let's be honest, its not all that realistic, but in real life, you'd know exactly how much power you were putting in the throw.) Note that throwing the grenade automatically releases the spoon, thus arming it.
Secondary fire pulls the pin. If secondary fire is pressed again, it will release the spoon. So you have to double click secondary fire to arm and hold the grenade. Then you can let the fuse burn for two seconds, and throw the grenade using primary fire.
The primary fire should charge fairly quickly, seeing as how adding more or less power to a throw only involves you cranking your arm farther back or forward, respectively. That way you could pull the pin, drop the spoon, hold the grenade for three seconds, run up to a fox hole, toss it in, and boot it out of there before the enemy truly has a time to react.
Primary fire throws grenade. Only. It doesn't arm it, it throws it. When you press primary fire, an indicator on the screen pops up. From this indicator you get an idea how far you're throwing it (let's be honest, its not all that realistic, but in real life, you'd know exactly how much power you were putting in the throw.) Note that throwing the grenade automatically releases the spoon, thus arming it.
Secondary fire pulls the pin. If secondary fire is pressed again, it will release the spoon. So you have to double click secondary fire to arm and hold the grenade. Then you can let the fuse burn for two seconds, and throw the grenade using primary fire.
The primary fire should charge fairly quickly, seeing as how adding more or less power to a throw only involves you cranking your arm farther back or forward, respectively. That way you could pull the pin, drop the spoon, hold the grenade for three seconds, run up to a fox hole, toss it in, and boot it out of there before the enemy truly has a time to react.