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New Member
Feb 15, 2004
Cumbria ,UK.
just found the mutie GPS,great idea and looks great..answer to my but then I loaded it but no joy, so, as I`m not seeing it mentioned much I`m guessing that it doesn`t work with 2.9? pity...if this is so are there any plans to rectify it? seems a shame to waste such a good looking little prog. :(


Functional alcoholic
Damn, I really need to read this section more often.

To clarify a bit: INFGPS has a very uncertain future as most of its functionality has been made redundant by the built-in compass in INF 2.9. Some parts of INFGPS have been ported to [thread=129342]UTCompass[/thread], which is 2.9-compatible and available for use (on your own risk - it's still at v0.5).

@Derelan: You can find INFGPS here, although it won't do you much good. Don't know if it even decompiles under 2.9, but if you want to check out the source code just give me a holler.


New Member
Feb 15, 2004
Cumbria ,UK.
thanks for the update mate....just had another look at the details of GPS and i think ...not having used it mind you....that it would be an excellent addition to my HUD especially if it could be somehow joined with the message thats been sent i.e. the display boxes for GPS and the messages merged together (maybe like a comms unit? that you`d have to have in loadout to be able to use?) so that you only look in one place on the screen for all your info. preferably in the lower left hand corner, its annoying trying to see messages that because they`re displayed in upper left corner tend to have a background of the sky, or lights etc. that make them diffucult to see sometimes, and then you`ve got to look at the compass in the middle of map at the same time to try and see where they are...AND try not to get wasted while doing it all...lmao...there was a thread not long ago about some realistic way of finding your team mates location, so it seems there`s still alot of interest in this topic, from what I`ve read your GPS would certainly help that situation out, but as I know ziltch about coding maybe its a lot of work to do? but it does seem to be one of the only things about this excellent game that is missing, and as its very much a team orientated game that SHOULD rely on coordination of a team via comms and visual means it seems a pity its not there.....