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Feb 13, 2002
Yes, please.
N@Sc, glad to hear you liked my semi-review. ;)

I played online last night. I can see why people are complaining about the over-dominance of melee attacks. Basically atleast 80% of players in a game use all melee all the time, and out of the remaining 20%, 10% only use ranged weapons to take occasional pot shots at crowds. Very few people use an even mix of melee and ranged weapons, or use ranged weapons most of the time.

So far, I don't think this is a problem with the game, this is a problem with the players. It's not that ranged weapons aren't very effective or melee attacks are too powerfull, it's just that most players simply don't bother with ranged weapons, for whateverb reasons. They either aren't skilled enough to use them accurately, think it takes too much time finding ammo, or simply think that because of the game's theme, they should be using melee attacks all the time.

I still think ranged weapons can be effective if you choose to use them. Last night I used ranged weapons almost exclusively, and dominated the 2nd place position in most games I played, with the 1st place player usually only winning by 2 or 3 frags. I was getting double and triple kills almost all the time by firing into crowds of people trying to melee eachother. If someone got through my grenade barage and in my face, I could usually just dodge their melee attacks and blow them away with a point blank sniper burst. In one game, multiple people complained about "OMG everyone is sniping this is so gay", when in fact I was the only one in the 8 player game using the sniper rifle, and most of the time I wasn't really "sniping", I was just railing it at close range. Again, I got in 2nd, but the 1st place guy only won by 2 kills. After all the complaints, I checked the stats at the end of the game, and I was the only player with any sniper kills, no joke.

I think the main reason melee is so rampant now is because people don't know how to play the game. Most players are probably new to Unreal and PC-style games and don't really know what they're doing. After some time of getting owned by the minority of decent players that actually use the ranged weapons frequently, I think the general populace with start to realize that using melee exclusively is not that good. Once more people start learning to use ranged weapons, combat will become more diversified.


a.k.a 'Youngblood'
Ya I kinda thought that would happen. I wouldn't worry about it tho, melee combat is pretty much a novelty in FPS AFAIK so naturally ppl are gonna go crazy with it for a while; but eventually things will level out and more strategic gameplay will kick in once the novelity wears off...

Right? lol I'm just dyin to buy this game man... *waitin' impatiently*


New Member
May 1, 2003
Got it earlier and i'm damn impressed... I feel its got that special aspect to it that the original didn't give me. Only played a few DM maps but its really nice already. Problem is i find that the ranged weapons take a longer time to kill, maybe its cause i had the stinger (and its probably as powerful as it used to be) but it feels harder to kill someone. And damn those Uber-Special move combos are so hard lol