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Nov 20, 2004
Ordered at (UK based)

Mail from 19th April
Your order has been posted
Title:Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict (Limited Edition Tin)
Delivery Cost:FREE
Last edited:


Nov 20, 2004
I just see that pre-order is not always cheap :(



BuFs #1 mom
Oct 31, 2001
Up my ass
I haven't had much time at all to play it, but so far i've gotten into the single player a bit and I like it a lot. Not much to really say, if you are a unreal tournament fan then you will pretty much like UC2 guarrenteed. The only real difference with UC2 and one that i like a lot is that you pick your weapons from the start. I like that because I only ever used 2 or 3 weapons ever anyways, the rest I ignored. I hate the melee combat, its not as fluid or as easy to use as I was hoping. UC2 is really to face paced for it. I like that the AI atleast uses it real well. If you are using a ranged weapon and get close enough they will quickly pull out their melee weapon and slaughter you.

Twisted Metal

Anfractuous Aluminum
Jul 28, 2001
Long Island, NY
Rented it yesterday, played split screen DM with a friend for about an hour. It's a very fun game, definitely a huuuuge improvement(and completely different game) over the horrible UC1. I dunno what tool is talking about, melee combat works really well and is definitely the main method of fighting in this game, it just takes some time getting used to. All you have to do is lock on to your opponent by clicking the right stick, and then do the lunge attack followed by a couple of normal swinging attacks and they are dead. The problem I have is that the emphasis is indeed on the melee, and because of this, the power of the weapons are dumbed down A LOT. It takes 3+ shock COMBOS(!) to bring a full health opponent down. It takes a TON of rockets to bring someone down, and chances are by the time you are about to kill them they already killed you with their melee attack. My friend couldn't kill me with the minigun or the stinger because they are simply too easy to dodge and they don't cause nearly enough damage.

Of course, I only played two DM maps so maybe the larger maps like CTF have more emphasis on the weapons. I would have to play more to find out. But for now I say this game is all about the melee, since it is the most powerful weapon in the game.


New Member
Feb 27, 2005
Honestly Im not too impressed with this game right now, i know they made all the addittions, but it really doesnt feel like unreal anymore to me. I mean my favorite player of the first one was playing 16 player CTF, and now the game is restricted to 8 players online, 6 of which are all using their god damn melee weapons 24/7, the guns dont feel powerful at all anymore, and they dont have customizable controls (which is something im really picky about)


May 23, 2004
hmmm, meanings are kinda devided over this game on severall forums, i was kinda excited and wanted to buy it but now im rethinking it :I


New Member
Feb 27, 2005
N@Sc said:
hmmm, meanings are kinda devided over this game on severall forums, i was kinda excited and wanted to buy it but now im rethinking it :I

Its still a good game, you just have to understand this isnt your standard unreal game, they are trying to progress it a bit, and instead of vehicles like UT2k4, you have melee. And yes, tons of people use melee when playing online so you have to learn to deal with that.

My main dissapoitnment stems from only having 8 players online, and no customizable controller.

The single player of the game is actually giving me some enjoyment right now though.


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
My brother told me that he didn't like it. Can a mouse and keyboard be used with UC2 and would it really be worth spending time getting good at?


Feb 13, 2002
Yes, please.
I got it a few days ago. I like it a lot so far. I haven't played it online yet though, just against the bots. It's definitely nice having all the weapons instead of just the 4 from the demo, and the selection of maps is much better. Not only are there obviously more maps, but there's a lot more variety to map styles. You have large open DM maps in the style of Rankin and UT2004 (the ones in the demo were more like this) then there are more closed in maps that feel more like UT99 (there is even a remake of Tempest).

The melee weapons, atleast against the bots, are much less overpowered with the extra ranged weapons. If someone rushes you with melee you can often just splatter them with the flak cannon. The grenade launcher is a great addition to Unreal, which is cool because besides adding variety to the game, it is remiscient of the grenade launchers from the Quake series (which kicked ass) and grenades haven't had a strong presence in Unreal since they took the grenades off the Rocket Launcer after UT99 (the assault rifle sucks). I definitely hope in UT2005/2006 they ditch the assault rifle, go back to enforcers or dispersion pistols, and add the grenade launcher. The new fire modes on all the weapons (mines for the ripper, gas for the biorifle, freezable shock orbs) are a great addition too.

They changed the sniper rifle significantly from the demo version. Now the primary fire is completely different and fires a 3-shot burst which spreads and can't get headshots. You can only access the normal single shot by using the scope alt fire. This is disconcerting at first because you can get no-scope headshots, but using the scope at low magnification at close range isn't that bad once you get used to it, and the 3-shot burst mode has it's advantages. Each shot does 1/3 the damage of the normal alt-fire single shot, but that means if you hit with all 3 shots it does the dame amount of damage, which is a lot (90% health on Lauren). This makes it handy for dealing moderate-heavy punches at close range without having to aim super-precisely. It's also good for finishing off the opponent quickly at long range if you go for an alt fire but don't hit the head. It takes out most of their health anyway, so 1 shot from the pimary fire will kill them anyway. Overall, I hated the feature at first, but I've come to like it after playing with it for a little while.

The shock rifle is a little weak, because the overall fire rate is pretty fast. I would have prefered a slower fire rate with more damage, atleast for the alt fire. It is annoying having to shock-combo people 2-4 times for a kill, but doing combos is faster, plus now you can freeze 2-3 shock balls in the air and set them all off at once. I do like having the fast primary fire, just cause it allows you to do moderate and fast damage from afar without having to use the slow sniper rifle.

The biorifle does more or less what it's supposed to, but it doesn't feel quite right. Since the bioglobs chase the opponent, they no longer explode. Generally it seems like exploding would have been more effective, because the chasing doesn't work to well and can get in your way (they will chase you if the opponent leaves). The globs are pretty slow and hard to hit with single shot; generally it seems like charing up for the easy 1 hit kill is the primary way to go. Generally, I don't think it's versatile enough to be worth taking up 1 of 2 available weapon slots, especially when it means choosing it over the shock rifle, sniper rifle, or even being able to spray bullets everywhere with the Stinger and Udamage.

The stinger is still a little crappy. The primary fire is ok, but the alt fire really sucks. The bolts heat-seek a lot (I've been hit with them by people turned completely away from me) but they don't do a lot of damage and are very slow. I would have rather had something that didn't heat-seek at all, but dealt heavy blows when you aimed right, like the Link Gun pimary fire. Overall, it makes me feel a bit cheated out of a weapon. I would have rather had a minigun and a link/pulse gun or a real stinger (from U1). Being able to spam hit-scan shards with the Udamage is the only thing that makes the stinger worth taking.

I like having more characters to choose from. Brock is my new favorite. Besides looking cool (Kragoth was the man in UT99) he is faster than Anubis, but stronger than Lauren, and he can still do Speed with only half adrenaline. My only complaint is that there are almost twice as many characters which are in the game, but only the bots can use. 14 is a little small of a roster compaired to modern fighting games and Unreal games, and if they allready have the characters there for the bots, why not let the humans use them too?

Anyway, so far I like it overall, despite having a few complaints. The only major issue is I don't think there are any particularly remarkeable gametypes besides DM/TDM/CTF. Overcharge feels like an inferior nock-off of Bombing Run, Survival is ok, but not a show-stopper, and Nali Slaughter is just a cheap novelty. Don't get me wrong, I like DM and that's actually mostly what I play, but when I turn to the team-based side, I don't see the big draw that the other Unreal games have. Obviously Onslught probably may have been too much for the Xbox to handle, but Domination (UT99 style), Bombing Run, and Assault were all interesting gametypes which added team apeal to the previous Unreal games, and could have been done in UC2 but weren't. Even CTF doesn't have the same draw, because the maps aren't as apealing as classic like Face, LavaGiant, and November.

Anyway, I like it, it's a fun unreal game, I just which they had done more with the gametypes.
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May 23, 2004
Gnam said:
I got it a few days ago. I like it a lot so far. I haven't played it online yet though, just against the bots. It's definitely nice having all the weapons instead of just the 4 from the demo, and the selection of maps is much better. Not only are there obviously more maps, but there's a lot more variety to map styles. You have large open DM maps in the style of Rankin and UT2004 (the ones in the demo were more like this) then there are more closed in maps that feel more like UT99 (there is even a remake of Tempest).

The melee weapons, atleast against the bots, are much less overpowered with the extra ranged weapons. If someone rushes you with melee you can often just splatter them with the flak cannon. The grenade launcher is a great addition to Unreal, which is cool because besides adding variety to the game, it is remiscient of the grenade launchers from the Quake series (which kicked ass) and grenades haven't had a strong presence in Unreal since they took the grenades off the Rocket Launcer after UT99 (the assault rifle sucks). I definitely hope in UT2005/2006 they ditch the assault rifle, go back to enforcers or dispersion pistols, and add the grenade launcher. The new fire modes on all the weapons (mines for the ripper, gas for the biorifle, freezable shock orbs) are a great addition too.

They changed the sniper rifle significantly from the demo version. Now the primary fire is completely different and fires a 3-shot burst which spreads and can't get headshots. You can only access the normal single shot by using the scope alt fire. This is disconcerting at first because you can get no-scope headshots, but using the scope at low magnification at close range isn't that bad once you get used to it, and the 3-shot burst mode has it's advantages. Each shot does 1/3 the damage of the normal alt-fire single shot, but that means if you hit with all 3 shots it does the dame amount of damage, which is a lot (90% health on Lauren). This makes it handy for dealing moderate-heavy punches at close range without having to aim super-precisely. It's also good for finishing off the opponent quickly at long range if you go for an alt fire but don't hit the head. It takes out most of their health anyway, so 1 shot from the pimary fire will kill them anyway. Overall, I hated the feature at first, but I've come to like it after playing with it for a little while.

The shock rifle is a little weak, because the overall fire rate is pretty fast. I would have prefered a slower fire rate with more damage, atleast for the alt fire. It is annoying having to shock-combo people 2-4 times for a kill, but doing combos is faster, plus now you can freeze 2-3 shock balls in the air and set them all off at once. I do like having the fast primary fire, just cause it allows you to do moderate and fast damage from afar without having to use the slow sniper rifle.

The biorifle does more or less what it's supposed to, but it doesn't feel quite right. Since the bioglobs chase the opponent, they no longer explode. Generally it seems like exploding would have been more effective, because the chasing doesn't work to well and can get in your way (they will chase you if the opponent leaves). The globs are pretty slow and hard to hit with single shot; generally it seems like charing up for the easy 1 hit kill is the primary way to go. Generally, I don't think it's versatile enough to be worth taking up 1 of 2 available weapon slots, especially when it means choosing it over the shock rifle, sniper rifle, or even being able to spray bullets everywhere with the Stinger and Udamage.

The stinger is still a little crappy. The primary fire is ok, but the alt fire really sucks. The bolts heat-seek a lot (I've been hit with them by people turned completely away from me) but they don't do a lot of damage and are very slow. I would have rather had something that didn't heat-seek at all, but dealt heavy blows when you aimed right, like the Link Gun pimary fire. Overall, it makes me feel a bit cheated out of a weapon. I would have rather had a minigun and a link/pulse gun or a real stinger (from U1). Being able to spam hit-scan shards with the Udamage is the only thing that makes the stinger worth taking.

I like having more characters to choose from. Brock is my new favorite. Besides looking cool (Kragoth was the man in UT99) he is faster than Anubis, but stronger than Lauren, and he can still do Speed with only half adrenaline. My only complaint is that there are almost twice as many characters which are in the game, but only the bots can use. 14 is a little small of a roster compaired to modern fighting games and Unreal games, and if they allready have the characters there for the bots, why not let the humans use them too?

Anyway, so far I like it overall, despite having a few complaints. The only major issue is I don't think there are any particularly remarkeable gametypes besides DM/TDM/CTF. Overcharge feels like an inferior nock-off of Bombing Run, Survival is ok, but not a show-stopper, and Nali Slaughter is just a cheap novelty. Don't get me wrong, I like DM and that's actually mostly what I play, but when I turn to the team-based side, I don't see the big draw that the other Unreal games have. Obviously Onslught probably may have been too much for the Xbox to handle, but Domination (UT99 style), Bombing Run, and Assault were all interesting gametypes which added team apeal to the previous Unreal games, and could have been done in UC2 but weren't. Even CTF doesn't have the same draw, because the maps aren't as apealing as classic like Face, LavaGiant, and November.

Anyway, I like it, it's a fun unreal game, I just which they had done more with the gametypes.
now that realy helped, thnx :D

Its still a good game, you just have to understand this isnt your standard unreal game, they are trying to progress it a bit, and instead of vehicles like UT2k4, you have melee. And yes, tons of people use melee when playing online so you have to learn to deal with that.

My main dissapoitnment stems from only having 8 players online, and no customizable controller.

The single player of the game is actually giving me some enjoyment right now though.
i think a melee part in the unreal games are very nice, i used to play ut with some mods where u have swords, very crappy but hey, what's more cool than seeing a large amount of bots running towards eachother with swords on face to clash into eachother and slash eachother down in the middle of the map ^^
and like Gnam told us about those weapons, weapons as the assault rifle are so freakin useless, a melee part fills up the gameplay and maybe the creaters come to realise that to make a good balance they have to equalise the strengh of the weapons, now im not saying this part is wrong in UC2 but for example the flak cannon is very strong and easy to use, maybe to strong but the option to change it is kinda small since it's part of unreal u know ^^