General Forum Tip

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your friend

New Member
Aug 27, 2004
When you click on FMI forum link it brings you to a page with 2 links...

1. Bug Reports + Troubleshooting


2. General UTXMP Discussion

However, for some reason when I go to link #2 it feels like I clicked the wrong link and ended up in the Bug Reports and Troubleshooting. YOu see, FMI purposely added a Bug Reports + Troubleshooting section to seperate the 'this does not work' spam from the other constructive post in the UTxmp discussion section.

By posting bugs and such in General UTxmp discussion (no matter how constructive) you make it harder for FMI to do their job - because instead of them looking in one area to find solutions, they have to dance from area to area. FMI seems like a bunch of REALLLLLLY nice, patient people, because other forums sites are quick to delete or lock threads that dont belong in their proper areas.

Just be polite/curtious to them and post any bugs or things you dont like about the mod in the Bugs + Troubleshooting link. This is where they EXPECT to find those kinds of posts, not in General Forums. You will also help those who come to General Forums to read about helpful tips/tactics/whatever by doing this. They do not come here to read about bugs, or what someone didn't like. Just think about other people for once, besides just thinking about yourself.


Who Dey!
Oct 11, 2003
With 5 posts to his/her name, this user is obviously an expert at how to properly post in a forum.

Your first post was a pretty good one, "your friend"...but now your just trolling.


Feb 4, 2004
San Jose, CA

your friend

New Member
Aug 27, 2004
Xaero said:
With 5 posts to his/her name, this user is obviously an expert at how to properly post in a forum.

Your first post was a pretty good one, "your friend"...but now your just trolling.

I didn't intend for this message to be a 'troll' message or whatever you call it, but if it is... let's let it die by no one else replying to it. I really didn't intend for anyone to reply to it... simply to read it (if they wanted to) and move on to something else.

*Edit* Btw, Paladin I got a chuckle out of that animation of the guy playin' the violin, hahaha... whew, that made my day. *smiles* :) *CLose Edit*
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