Geforce3 delayed?

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New Member
Feb 26, 2000
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Its now almost May and still no sign of the geforce3. I've been hearing tales of problems plaguing it but nothing official yet. Anyone hear something?


PuF Fossil
It got delayed by almost a month, as NVIDIA was afraid it would not be accepted if nothing was out there that used its abilities. Now, there's 3D Mark 2001, as well as complete CD full of demos that ships with the GeForce 3...which went on sale about a week ago:D


New Member
Feb 20, 2000
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They didn't want to release it because they thought it wouldn't be accepted as there wasn't anything to test its full ability.


lol, I bet they'd say that. It sounds so much better than 'We've been plagued by bugs and we've had to scrap our shipping batch on several occations due to reworkings of the card. We've been delayed ironing out a few smaller bugs for the last month or so and we've had a hard time making a driver that will make it run to some extent on the software thats out there at the monet.'


-Serpico - bitter cos he can't afford one (but dont let on)


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars

I have some benchmark results, right here, in this gaming/computer mag:

3d prophet III, 3D prophet 4500 and 3D prophet II Ultra
64 mb ddram vcs :)

BUT you really shouldn't buy a geforce3 right now, at this moment, or very soon :) cause:

A) DAMN this card is expensive!

B) You won't get much better performance in the games you're playing now.. :/ i guess the gf3 will be optimalized for the newer games, such as DOOM3 and UNREAL2 etc... wait .. i'll probably buy one january next year.. :)
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