Gametype int, what am I doing wrong?

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Harry Goz (1932 - 2003)
Nov 27, 2000
I'm trying to figure out how to get my gametype to appear in the list. I'm obviously missing somebody very simple and in the open but I can't seem to put my finger on it.

I've got a new gametype (subclass of DeathMatchPlus, same as the rest of the gametypes) in a package called MyGameType. I put the following in and load the game and it has an extra listing, but instead of being my game it simply shows 2 "LastManStanding" gametypes (both of which indeed are LastManStanding, not simply an incorrect naming of my version).

Preferences=(Caption="MyLastManStanding",Parent="Game Types",Class=MyGameType.MyLastManStanding,Immediate=True)

My gametype is simply the entire LastManStanding code with one simple adjustment (I broadcast how many players are still alive every time somebody is killed, just to test). Everything else is the same which made me think that maybe there was some reference to the original gametype that was overriding my version but upon looking through the code and default properties I couldn't find any references to LastManStanding.

I also tried making my gametypea subclass of LastManStanding and only replacing the one function I changed but when I did that my gametype DID appear in-game but it appeared as a gametype category, and the only listed gametype for that category was LastManStanding (not my gametype). I don't have that int file anymore though so I'm not sure what happened.

Anyone have any ideas? My int file looks just like the gametype listings in and my gametype class is setup exactly like the stock gametypes but it just doesn't want to show up.


CHiMERiC Moderator
Aug 30, 2001
The actual in-game name of a GameInfo class isn't controlled by the .int file. The string GameName does, put it in your defaultproperties like so:

GameName="Spank the Monkey"