Gameplay Movie?

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New Member
May 6, 2004
i sitting here in front of my pc, watching a cs: source video, when suddenly me comes the idea if you guys of the mod team could make an short gameplay movie too, or in this way. Would be very cool and nice and shouldn't make too much work. I hope my little wish will be heard :rolleyes: :), because it's much better than screenshots.
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New Member
May 6, 2004
Yeah, hope it's not so far away the mod will be released. Now i have summer vacation for 6 weeks and me and my friends want to make a lan in a month. We all love startegy games and i told them of Uskaarj and all of them would like to test it. So it could be our next favourite startegy game because C&C Genrals allways crashed although we all have a original version. So i really hope, after you complete the netcode, that there isn't so much work to do.

P.S.: ah what i forget. you are an english speaking team and this site is english. you know i come from germany and would like to make a little german fansite because now i have more time then when there is school. But before i want to ask i this is ok?


Jul 8, 2001
I have no problem with you putting up a fan site but there are some general rules.

1. there may not be any links to wares on the site.
2.No links to porn or UT hack sites or images on the site.
3. And no bad language or racism on the site.

As long as you follow this rule in making your site feel free to make the fan site ;)


New Member
May 6, 2004
Should be no problem. I'm not such a boy who would post and wirte such i will get on work next week. Wouldn't be anything really great. Only a little site about the mod with the same stuff for example. Oh, am i allowed to copy the images from the gallery?


New Member
May 6, 2004
So, my site is on. It's still under construction, but if you want you can get a first look under It's all on german but i hope you like it and i'm allowed to get on with the site.


New Member
May 6, 2004
Ok, it's done. So i hope it's possible that i can get some special news or an interview or like that, would be realy cool.

So, i keep on working. Not everything is finished yet.

Ah, what the visitors want to know how is the status of the mod (not like the news), In percent?!
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New Member
May 6, 2004
hmm, it's linked to your main site but ok i will change this, don't want to get in a conflict with you guys beacause i love your work and the mod. so i will take a small logo (do you have one?) and make it on the right site under the poll calling it "partners". is this ok? ah what i forget: the constructionbot looks really cool, nice work polycron. ähm can i get a link to my site on your site :rolleyes:, calling "the german uskaarj fanpage" or something like that?

what do you mean with logo banner? the one in the header of the page? oh it took some work to get it in there, so that it looked it is now and not like an simple square banner or unproportional (right word? hope so), but why make it bigger? what isn't right with it?

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Jul 8, 2001
The banner is just fine you just need to make it so when a person clicks on it they are sent to the Uskaarj main website

Also please dont say your site is a Partner site of the Uskaarj mod. Your site is a fan site. Later on once you have proven yourself with running a clean site I would then be willing to make you the official USkaarj fan site. But until then don’t say you are our partner site ;).

also we will soon have the public video of the construction bot finished with full GFX ready for showing so stay posted :D.


New Member
May 6, 2004
ok, but it' ok that i put the link to your site on the right menu under (i call it) "partner". I don't know how to call it else. yeah, thx for this so i have a little chance to become sometime a partner site :), would take, how you said, a longer time to proof, but i will keep on working on the site and so on...

juhu, a gameplaymovie. that are really fine news, so i have the first download for my site i could not stay posted :D.

edit: i can't change the link in the banner, because i don't know how to change it. in the admin pannel isn't about this, so i think the link was created automatical when i entered the the site-url for the sql-database. so i'm sry for this, but the people don't really click on it because the most of them don't know there is a link the only see a logo. and the one who knows of the link don't click it because they know, it goes to the same site :D.
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New Member
May 6, 2004
hmpf...and when there will be more sites, i added a link for? sry, "don't do this don't do that", it's a little bit frustrating. So for the first time when only your site is there, i will call it "offizielle Modseite", but when i add more links to other modpages and fanpages i'll call it "Links". Hope this is ok for u.

hey, how do you know, how to write it correct in german :D.


Dead but not gone.
Jan 4, 2004
barnEbiss said:
...we will soon have the public video of the construction bot finished with full GFX ready for showing so stay posted :D.

Yay!! Finally, some real footage of the mod that has had me salivating for the past few months... looking forward to it!