Game performance

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New Member
Jan 20, 2004
I may just buy ut2004 just to use UTXMP. MY biggest concern is the frame rate and general performance. Like everyone else i suffered from terrible drops in the fps with U2XMP. Long ago i played the ut2004 demo and thought it played well enough i guess. Any U2XMP players notice an improvement in game performance with utxmp?


XMP Beta Tester
Sep 27, 2003
Visit site
I didn't notice so much of an fps increase as I did a more stabalized fps rate. Granted there are a couple maps that put this theory to **** but for the most part the levels run more smoothly for me.


New Member
Dec 12, 2004
i have also noticed that frame rates are more stable than in u2xmp, not really better or worse, but when you get alot of turrets or alot of people in a small area shooting and firing grenades and stuff it doesnt drop like it did in u2xmp.


Mar 18, 2004
I agree with Ominae. I can't remember if I'm getting any fps drops, and i'm playing at the same resolution with the details maxed out. Res 1280x960. I average 60-70 fps, i think... i hardly even check, i just know everything SEEMS smoother. In u2xmp i would get fps drops quite often... sometimes all the way down to 15-20 fps. My average was somewhere between 50 and 65.

I played a single player match with 31 bots, and i had a stable 60+ fps the whole time. These bots duck and travel in packs, you realize... so the red bots and the blue bots would all spawn at the same time, and meet in the same place. 16 rockets at a time from each side, and i had perfect performance.


overCruel Ranger
Jul 11, 2004
Aye, Im getting a hell of a lot more stable game experciance, not more FPS but just more stable FPS it feels like, if just the packet loss(server/client sync) will be fixed and it will all be good

But that seems like its a UT2k4 3339 patch problem and not UTXMPs fault I read in post, so other then the packet loss thingy its a better engine experiance IMO