After a week burn in time, DE clan finds that 1 alpha patch is scrimmable at this time - we have a mutator that stops the laser-tripmine crash/bug on our server.
We would like to set up some scrims in the near future. Dates will most likely be wednesdays and sundays with team sizes 6 or 7. The specifics can be worked out later. If you're interested, contact me either through a PM on the forums, or you can find me on IRC after 5/6 pm est in #D-E off of
We would like to set up some scrims in the near future. Dates will most likely be wednesdays and sundays with team sizes 6 or 7. The specifics can be worked out later. If you're interested, contact me either through a PM on the forums, or you can find me on IRC after 5/6 pm est in #D-E off of
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