Oh maybe that is what I am doing wrong.
No, Sparky is too fast, if I let him touch the flag, he is gone.
Well, that's the goal
You should have seen me last night. I turned in some abysmal performances against sir Osk. Granted, Osk has the ability to make us all look and feel silly, I don't think I've ever been beaten so badly. He was on fire. I did well in one map. This guy SHUT ME OUT in Almost. SHUT ME OUT. No frags. Matter of fact, I was -1, and that was because I had so little health after being beaten up by him when I landed I died upon impact.
He said he had a rough day at work yesterday. I'm hoping today is ice cream and rainbows.
I hope to play better tonight
Some screen shots: I lost two to corruption (Used UT instead of FRAPS-My UT doesn't like to take SS)
Kicked my ass on Terra - Osk 5, me 0
Beat me up on Control, I think he won 5-0. Maybe 5-1. I think I got the last few: