We in Timespin Studios are seeking new crew members. They must be dedicated to work hard and work in our team. You must have experience, and be able to learn new things as this is a part of our learning experience as an individual and as a team.
We are seeking members in these positions:
If you wish to join our crew, you can either reply to this post, contact us through [email protected] (remove NOSPAM) or join our IRC channel #Timespin @ irc.gamesurge.net.
In your post/email, include some information about yourself, what position you wish to join in and some work you have done/some way to prove your experience and that you can work for gaining more. This is currently unpaid work, as we do not have any money to give. If we ever go over to being sponsored or gain money of our work, it will be splittet throughout the team.
A little about Forsaken Time
So, what is Forsaken Time? Forsaken Time is a medieval/fantasy themed TC for UT2004, where you must fight online against others in deadly battles. It will include various characters, classes, creatures and a whole new weapon melee system included that moves away from the common hack-n-slash type.
To show of some of our concept art for Forsaken Time:
Render of the Damank:
And some features Forsaken Time will include
* Flyable/rideable creatures
* 12 characters to choose from
* A melee system that differs from the normal hack-n-slash type, with more focus on 1v1 face to face battle yet keeping it so that you can fight more.
* Various classes to choose from, including magic, melee, ranged and trap-laying.
I am looking forward to hearing from everyone that is interested and have time.
We in Timespin Studios are seeking new crew members. They must be dedicated to work hard and work in our team. You must have experience, and be able to learn new things as this is a part of our learning experience as an individual and as a team.
We are seeking members in these positions:
- Coders - You must be able to code weapon, class and various other coded game elements, be able to solve complex problems, add in our and your own elements to our games.
- Hud/Gui/2 Dimensional Artists - You must be able to create detailed 2D work useable ingame. You might also be needed for web design or other kind of work in the team.
- Concept Artists - You must be able to create detailed work of art, both in perspective and in a front/side view. Also being able to create artwork and wallpapers is a plus.
- Level-Designers - You must have experience in doing effects, creating a good layout, pack alot of gameplay into it, be good in optimizing and have general knowleadge in most aspects of doing levels. Having a good fantasy/imagination is a plus when it comes to making levels.
- Skinners - You must be able to create skins for world models, character models and weapon models. The skins must be of good quality and have included many details into it.
- World Modelers - You must be able to create Low-Poly world models, while keeping the quality to our game projects. If you can skin/texture the model, that is a huge plus.
If you wish to join our crew, you can either reply to this post, contact us through [email protected] (remove NOSPAM) or join our IRC channel #Timespin @ irc.gamesurge.net.
In your post/email, include some information about yourself, what position you wish to join in and some work you have done/some way to prove your experience and that you can work for gaining more. This is currently unpaid work, as we do not have any money to give. If we ever go over to being sponsored or gain money of our work, it will be splittet throughout the team.
A little about Forsaken Time
So, what is Forsaken Time? Forsaken Time is a medieval/fantasy themed TC for UT2004, where you must fight online against others in deadly battles. It will include various characters, classes, creatures and a whole new weapon melee system included that moves away from the common hack-n-slash type.
To show of some of our concept art for Forsaken Time:
Render of the Damank:
And some features Forsaken Time will include
* Flyable/rideable creatures
* 12 characters to choose from
* A melee system that differs from the normal hack-n-slash type, with more focus on 1v1 face to face battle yet keeping it so that you can fight more.
* Various classes to choose from, including magic, melee, ranged and trap-laying.
I am looking forward to hearing from everyone that is interested and have time.