forever rotating mover

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Monkey in a bucket
Dec 1, 2001
dx*dp >= h/4pi
Visit site
i have this tank of water in my level, and it has a big spinning mover that is supposed to be a mixer. i want it to spin infinitely, and i have the keyframes, but it goes to the last frame and then spins back. how do i make it loop forever and skip to the first frame at the end?


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
You can do it with a normal mover. Just set movement->rotaion rate and then set bFixedRotaionDir to true.

will the crush when encroach and all that stuff work on it though?


and will that make it spin infinitely


and is there a way to change the type of mover?

No, just use the type of mover that you already have. It's a good idea to set NumKeys to 1 so that it doesn't go moving if you stand on it or whatever. I don't know whether this is neccessary though. It's just a precaution :)