Forced visibility, UT2004

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New Member
Nov 8, 2001
Visit site
In UT2004, when you open an item's properties and go to Display, there's a setting called ForcedVisibilityZoneTag. I've been experimenting with it, with rather unhelpfull results. Does anyone know what it's meant to do and how it's supposed to work?


Nov 3, 2001
Visit site
Forced visibility, I assume would (override) your, or anyone playing your maps fog distance settings, and maybe rule out your separate zones in your map. What I mean by zones in your map is, if you put a zone portal between two separate parts of you map, if you force visibility, then maybe it makes the comp render the whole map, instead of just the room you are in, but could just as easily mean fog distance.

EDIT: OK I didn't notice that you said an Item's properties. What that is, is no matter what zones you have throughout your map, you can see that Item from any zone. Which to me would make that Item priority over everything else, then in turn slow the map...
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Jun 17, 2001
Cape Suzette
Actually it's just to fix meshes that the engine thinks are in the wrong zone (could be because the mesh's origin is embedded in a wall, etc). You put the Tag of the zone that this mesh is supposed to "belong" to in the ForcedVisibilityZoneTag so the engine knows that this mesh belongs to that zone. That way if the zone isn't rendered, this mesh won't be either.

Tiny optimization, I wouldn't worry about using it at all.