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Maybe you can suggest
something. As a matter
of fact, you do suggest
something. You
suggest a baboon. I'm
sorry I said that; it isn't
fair to the other
s T. Firefly*
Maybe you can suggest
something. As a matter
of fact, you do suggest
something. You
suggest a baboon. I'm
sorry I said that; it isn't
fair to the other
s T. Firefly*
cool stuff man- but off topic /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
<hr align="left" width="50%" size="1" color="#00FF00"><font size="1">Warren
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"Therefore those skilled at the unorthodox are infinite as heaven and earth, inexhaustible as the great rivers. When they come to an end, they begin again, like the days and months; they die and are reborn, like the four seasons."
- Sun Tzu , "The Art of War"
Well, if you've ever wanted to destroy an armored vehicle with a handgun...
(Of course if you fire it too many times your arm'll probably snap into about 12 pieces, a la "Angel Cop" but hey.)
Yeah, and what's the stopping power on that, anyway?
P.S.-Has anyone besides me ever seen Angel Cop? (the Anime)
"We're a peace loving people...And we'll KILL anyone who tries to take that peace away!"
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