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Infiltration Project Coordinator
Nov 24, 1999
Portland, OR
Living in the US, I'm rather embarrased about those figures.. did you know that some HMO doctors actually get incentive bonuses for cutting costs on a patient's health care? Whether it be prescriptions or surgeries or exams.. They get like tens of thousands of dollar bonuses a year, just to cut corners.. and the more they save, the more money they get.. /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif

<hr align="left" width="50%" size="1" color="#00FF00"><font size="1">Warren
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Infiltration lead level designer
Jun 1, 2000
Washington State
In defense of my country... ::play Star-Spangled Banner .midi::

The W.H.O. study certainly reflects a serious shortcoming in our health care system as a whole, no doubt. Nothing's perfect. But when a King Hussein of Jordan needs to undergo the most advanced treatment for cancer available on Earth, does he go to France? Italy? Nope. When a Canadian finds himself #3,245 on the waiting list for a heart bypass, which border does he cross to get the surgery he needs to save his life?

The profit motive can certainly do some ugly things to a health care system, I totally agree. And reforms should certainly be enacted in the U.S. to curtail these HMO abuses. But as long as Homo sapiens sapiens remains the species that it is, the profit motive will continue to be the most effective force for advancing medical technology and capability.

I'll mention one remarkable example. The Human Genome Project to map out the entire human DNA sequence was launched by the U.S. Government in 1990. It was to be carried out in university labs w/ federal funds, w/ international collaboration, and be completed in 2005. Well, along came private interests from the biotech industry motivated by the possibility of being able to patent the DNA sequence information for certain genes, and they proceeded to invent new, more efficient ways to map DNA. This has greatly accelerated the pace of the project, as one firm has already mapped out the entire "rough draft" of the human genome, and public efforts have been redoubled to compete w/ industry. As a result, the entire project will be completed at least 2 years ahead of schedule. Why? Because there was $$$$ to be made, and people who jumped at the chance.

Sure, capitalism has its dark side. Especially if you're poor. The U.S. stats reflected in the low W.H.O. ranking are mainly a result of the conditions faced by our indigent population.

But the beauty of a capitalistic system in a free society is no one needs to be poor. Everyone has a chance at prosperity. Not a guarantee. The essence of America isn't that everybody will be taken care of. It's that everybody gets a fair shot at taking care of themselves, and even striking it rich.

Quoting the Lee Greenwood song, "God Bless the U.S.A.!"

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<h1><font face="symbol">
a 1001</font></h1>
"I love war and responsibility and excitement.
Peace is going to be hell on me."

Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

Dr. Strangelove

New Member
Aug 20, 1999
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wow...deep /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

But your short some stripes in the flag /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif




New Member
Jan 31, 2000
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oh oh sounds like survival of the fittest... but in the whole I have to agree with alpha... the helthcare in Germany gets out of control... incredible costincreasing while the performace decreases...



Real Maps Coordinator
I think that profit driven medical care is morally reprehensible. Some of the older people on the board will remember when HMO's did not exist. Things to me, were much better. HMO's are only interested in one thing: money. It will always come first over any persons life, and is utterly disgusting.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>But the beauty of a capitalistic system in a free society is no one needs to be poor[/quote]

This not true, the US and many other countries need the poor to produce products for them. This means paying people a low wage for their servivces, and occurs inside and outside the US. The migrant workers that pick your tomatoes and gets paid next to nothing so you and I can have cheaper food products are a prime example. Of course this occurs internationally as well. The US and other countries (I dont even want to hear that Canada is not guilty of this) expolit labor overseas to produce everything from shoes to computers. Without using the poor nationally and internationally our cost of living would be through the roof.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Everyone has a chance at prosperity. Not a guarantee. The essence of America isn't that everybody will be taken care of. It's that everybody gets a fair shot at taking care of themselves, and even striking it rich.[/quote]

This is also largely untrue, based on your skin color your chances of sucess can vary accordingly. Ask a Native American or African-American how easy it is to get a business loan or home loan, compared to that of a Caucasian. Some benefit from the intrinsic power structure of the the US more than others. While everyone has opportunity, some have more than others, and its far from 'fair'.

I still think the US is a great Country, I do love it, and would never leave, but by no means is it all peaches and cream. The same can be said of any first world nation, we ALL stand on the backs of the poor nationally and internationally and benefit from it, to think otherwise is lunacy.

RealMaps Site Co-Founder/Coordinator
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Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Well socialism isn't that fun either.

I can site Quebec as a shining, bright example of that, parallels Chechnya.

Quebec wants to break away. This started a long time ago. A referendum was lost. Then came the FLQ (in English the name translates to "The Quebec Liberation Front") resorting to terrorist acts. Then another referendum, which they lost.

I can honestly see this escalating to a point of civil war, in which Federalist Canada will crush Speratist Quebec, and then we'll just both harbor more anamosity for each other instead of giving each other some friggin' respect.

2000 years gone by and only 165 days of world peace in them.


New Member
Jan 15, 2000
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hehm Grand Poobah Bouchard get's a little too agressive, get's the crap beaten out of him, and now we can all enjoy the once-banned English-only signs and Yellow Margarine /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif


New Member
Oct 7, 1999
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I dont get it. Why the hell do they want to leave?! I dont think they realize what 'Global Village' means, no matter how hard they try, they will be Assimilated.(We are the Borg /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif ) Jeez, I wish they would stop complaining.



New Member
Jan 15, 2000
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yeah, it especially sucks because I live there.

no English-only signs, hell nothing with the english words being more than %50 the size of the french words are allowed.

We can't even have yellow margarine either (those bastards)


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
The funny thing is, they all think nobody likes them... WE DON'T LIKE THEM BECAUSE THEY'RE A BUNCH OF GODDAM WHINERS. If they stopped whining, nobody would care that they spoke French or anything like that. They're sorta like our latinos. Being a half french, half english, half roman catholic, half anglican mongrel myself,I could care bloody less.

2000 years gone by and only 165 days of world peace in them.


Infiltration lead level designer
Jun 1, 2000
Washington State
MONSTER POST [a.k.a. my rebuttal to CoffeyCan's rebuttal]

A debate! I love these...

But first let me say to CC, I love your Real Maps site. It's in my daily round of sites to check, always eagerly anticipating the next review! You, BuddyPickle & Loki do a great job. Thank you!

Now, on to the rebuttal:

WARNING: after writing this post I realized I had written a virtual thesis!! Or is it a speech? /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif But I just couldn't leave CC's rebuttal to my previous post unanswered. It was a strong rebuttal, and I had to reach way down to effectively defend my position! So unless you're riveted by this debate, it might be a good idea to skip this post. Just be warned... /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

CC started out by saying:

I think that profit driven medical care is morally reprehensible. Some of the older people on the board will remember when HMO's did not exist. Things to me, were much better. HMO's are only interested in one thing: money. It will always come first over any persons life, and is utterly disgusting.

It seems we have two issues we're dealing with here. Profit motivated health care providers, and profit-motivated medical research. Both are parts of the whole that is medical care in the U.S. In my previous post I demonstrated how profit-motivated medical research results in greater advancement in technology & capability. Thus my contention that the profit motive is vital in this area. I challenge anyone to name a communist/socialist country that ever surpassed a capitalist western country in medical technology.

The issue of profit-motivated health care providers is more complicated. Like CC, I also remember the days before HMOs. Medical costs were generally far lower then, so naturally things were better. HMOs were formed as a way to deal with costs that began to rise rapidly with increasing medical technology. Unfortunately, this purpose has been perverted to an extent by greed. As I said in my previous post, the profit motive can do ugly things to a health care system. And it does so when greed enters the picture. The U.S. system is by no means perfect. Reforms should be enacted to address abuses by these HMOs. I'm in favor of something like the Patient's Bill of Rights being considered by Congress. No one should be allowed to get greedy at the expense of people's health. That is morally reprehensible.

But should profit be completely taken out of health care services? Doctors and other professionals who run our medical infrastructure need to make a living. Where will their salaries come from if not profits? The answer, of course, is taxes. Make the government be the health care provider for the nation. It's the only way to remove profit from the picture. Is a government-run health care system desirable? Would it be better than what we have now? I guess that becomes a matter of opinion. If you like what you've seen in examples of socialized medicine, then the answer is yes. If you don't, then the answer is no. For me the answer is no.

I contend the best solution is to keep medical services profit based, but enact controls to prevent services from becoming greed-based. Hence my support for things like the Patient's Bill of Rights, as I mentioned earlier.

Now on to CC's rebuttals of my more general points about capitalism and the USA:

CC rebutted my contention that no one need be poor in a capitalist system in a free society, saying:

...the US and many other countries need the poor to produce products for them. ... Without using the poor nationally and internationally our cost of living would be through the roof.

I can give a specific, powerful example that demonstrates this is incorrect. Look at the history of the cotton industry in the United States. In pre-Civil War America, this industry benefitted from the most extreme case of low-wage labor: slavery. Many people said at the time the U.S. needed slavery to produce cotton. Many said if slavery were abolished, the cotton industry would collapse from increased costs. Many believed there was an inherent need for a source of free labor. And CC similarly argues today there is an inherent need in our system for a source of poor, low-wage labor, though he comes from a different perspective certainly (i.e. disapproval with resignation rather than support).

Well, let's look at what happened when slavery disappeared from the U.S. economy. History shows the cotton industry did not collapse. In fact, it has only thrived in the 20th Century. Even the poorest Americans can afford to buy cotton products today. All without the free labor that many had once believed was vital to the cotton economy.

Similarly, today poor low-wage labor is not an inherently-needed commodity. Yes we benefit from it, but we don't have to. It's not hard-coded into capitalism any more than slavery was 150 years ago. And though we can't abolish poverty like we did slavery, the poor in any free society can pick themselves up by their bootstraps and aim higher than they think they can go. And if all the poor were no longer poor, and there was no longer a source of subsistence-wage labor anywhere in the world, industry would adapt, and in fact be far better for it in the long run. As was the U.S. cotton industry after it no longer had the source of free labor it had once grown to depend on.

Speaking of the poor picking themselves up by their bootstraps, CC also rebuts the following statement I made previously:

Everyone has a chance at prosperity. Not a guarantee. The essence of America isn't that everybody will be taken care of. It's that everybody gets a fair shot at taking care of themselves, and even striking it rich.

He responds:

This is also largely untrue, based on your skin color your chances of success can vary accordingly. ... While everyone has opportunity, some have more than others, and its far from 'fair'

Ok, I will cede him this one point. My use of the word "fair" was incorrect in that context. He's right, some do have it easier than others in the U.S., which by definition is unfair. I never said we have a perfect society. One of our faults is indeed that we don't universally treat all people equally. And that's wrong.

I do make this point, though. Look at how immigrants from Asia respond to the difficulties they find trying to "make it" in America. Especially those from Southeast Asia, who see the same level of prejudice that other minorities see. I certainly witnessed plenty of it growing up here in the Pacific Northwest. Yet instead of spending all their time and energy complaining about it, they just work harder at prevailing over it. Instead of being perennial victims, they become fighters, and refuse to give up. And despite the fact that nearly all of them arrived at our shores with nothing more than the shirts on their backs, no one today quotes statistics of Asian-American poverty rates. Because these immigrants don't mess around. They buck the odds and aim their efforts high.

Lastly, CC said:

...we ALL stand on the backs of the poor nationally and internationally and benefit from it, to think otherwise is lunacy.

In today's world, sadly, this is indeed true. But as I argued earlier, it doesn't have to be that way. The flaw is not in the system that gives the individual the freedom to determine his own economic destiny. The flaw is in the global society that we are all a part of. "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves..."

As a global human society, we must all work to be better than we think we can be, and strive to see a better day. A day that I believe is possible. The late Robert F. Kennedy had it right,

"Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say why not."

Amen, brother.
<h1><font face="symbol">
a 1001</font></h1>
[skip the usual quote here, I think I've filled my quota for quotes in this post /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif]

[This message was edited by Alpha_9 on Jun 22, 2000 at 19:53.]


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Communism is a better system so long as the people in power are not greedy. Of course, at least with a communist system, when there's greed and corruption, you can see it. With capitalism, its hidden, buried away, slapped with the title of "free enterprise", or covered up by those in power.

Human nature cripples our ability to govern ourselves properly.

Western society is a shambles. It's a God damned joke. I'm not just talking about North and South America, I mean the entire white society. We're a ****ing disgrace. We figure that people, an essentially tribal animal, can all be crammed together to make a global village. Lets take a look at African tribes. They were peaceful, occasionally warring with each other. White man comes along, says hey, we'd like to move in. They say sure, why not. In an effort to industrialize their nations so as not to die out, they begin a massive population surge. The tribes become crippled. AIDS decimates the population. The tribes get blurred away and need to take up terrorist rebellions for their freedom. Yes, freedom. The same thing any "red-blooded American" is proud that they fought for. And yet the American media will discredit their operations. Why? Because they're direct threats against mining, farming, and oil industries run by white men whos main export will be to the United States.

Of course, lets not forget about American tribes. Let's just run rampant on their land, steal away everything they have. Then when theres lives get so screwed up because of us, lets send FBI agents onto THEIR LAND with authority to use force, and then piss and moan and once again extradite them from THEIR PALTRY, MEASLY SUM OF PISS POOR LAND WE GAVE THEM TO MAKE UP FOR STEALING EVERY ****ING THING THEY HAD and prosecute them as (involuntary) citizens of the United States of America! God bless!

Lets screw up everything these tight knit societies had. Lets throw them head long and involuntarily into OUR society. While we're at it, lets bring over a few of them there negroes to pick our cotton for us. We want the money, just don't want to work for it. You can see this trend of cheap labour slavery continue today. The gas jerks? They get paid minimum wage. Its a funny thing, cause without them, the tycoons wouldn't have a goddam penny. All the rich people do is get to sit on their ass and get richer, while the poor toil and slave for their masters. These same poor are inevitably left out for any compensation when the time comes round to pay the piper. Hey, cheap labour is easy to find, right? No big deal, lets just keep the fat cats alive to further fund our $30 million campaigns for 100,000 dollar jobs and satiate our thirst for ultimate power. And if anybody calls us greedy or powerhungry, we'll just blame it on the Jews.

I can't get started on this topic or I'll just keep goin' and goin' and goin'. Goddam, kill whitey.

2000 years gone by and only 165 days of world peace in them.


TBuildT Mapping Team
Apr 20, 2000
Toronto, Canada
Something I heard...

I heard this a while back and it seems to fit this thread: "Communism is like team-playing in multiplayer games(Infiltration in this case) theory they work, but in real life it sucks because people suck."

Nice essays guys, I'm so tired after reading them all in one shot... I think I have to take a nap.

"I will reply with the words uttered from the mouth of my cannon."


de oppresso liber
Mar 2, 2000
Tucson, AZ, US
Good speeches all, only a few comments...

I agree with you that Communism is a great system if the people in power aren't greedy, but absolute power corrupts absolutely- you give somebody totalitarian control and chances are, sooner or later, they'll abuse it.

And for the most part I agree with you that humans basically suck (and not just white or western humans, this applies worldwide) and we can f*ck up just about any system anybody can think of, but not all civilizations are failiures, I can think of at least one country that got it right- Switzerland. The power goes from the bottom up, people control their own lives, and it works out as close to perfect as humanly possible. That's all I can think of off the top of my head, there could be more, but I especially admire the swiss because they are indeed a small country, but they are probably safer from attack than most world powers. They stay as neutral as possible during conflicts, their extremely mountainous land is very hard to attack and very easy to defend, and there's a rifle in almost every home (their military consists entirely of the militia), with which the swiss practice regularly. Sure, a big superpower *could* attack and conquer Switzerland, but the war would be extremely bloody, and very costly for the attacker, *far* too costly to justify the relatively small amount of land and resources they would gain.

Shot four puppet governors in a line,
Shook all tha world bankers, who think they can rhyme,
Shot the landlords, who knew it was mine,
Yes, its a war from the depth of time!

[This message was edited by DeadeyeDan[ToA] on Jun 22, 2000 at 23:46.]