In UnrealEd 1 and 2, you made fog by setting up a fog zone and turning on some settings on light sources. With this, you could create "bubbles" of fog of the desired size, color and density, and place them anywhere. To fill a space with fog you simply made the bubble larger than the space itself.
In UnrealEd 3, you use physics volumes to make fog. If you're inside the volume, fog will appear in every part of the map that is visible. If you step outside the volume, the fog disappears.
With the first method, you could fill the bottom of a well with fog, or put fog in a room without putting in in an adjacent room, or put "mist" over a body of water, etc. This is very difficult to do with the second method. Either the fog fill the whole visible part of the map or it doesn't exist at all. Unfortunately, the first fog making method no longer exists in UnrealEd 3. Is there a way in UnrealEd 3 to make fog appear where you want it to appear and not somewhere else?
In UnrealEd 3, you use physics volumes to make fog. If you're inside the volume, fog will appear in every part of the map that is visible. If you step outside the volume, the fog disappears.
With the first method, you could fill the bottom of a well with fog, or put fog in a room without putting in in an adjacent room, or put "mist" over a body of water, etc. This is very difficult to do with the second method. Either the fog fill the whole visible part of the map or it doesn't exist at all. Unfortunately, the first fog making method no longer exists in UnrealEd 3. Is there a way in UnrealEd 3 to make fog appear where you want it to appear and not somewhere else?