F.O.A.D - The epic adventures of Mongtard and Bogmaens.
In the apocalyptic future, two heroes ventured to save the world from itself. Captain Mongtard and his companion Harold Bogmaens journeyed into the waste.
That was a lifetime ago.
As the scripture foretold, the coming of a new age is here. A band of champions must search for the legendary Mongtard and Bogmaens so the earth can finally be saved.
FOAD is a top-down action RPG that aims to be like no other. The team aims to break rpg convention to give players a new gaming experience.
Character Backgrounds- Players will choose character backgrounds that will give some early benefits or affects. Play as a 'Hobo', 'Crossdresser, 'Heavy Metal Dude' or something else.
Skills and Abilities- Over 150 skills available in 12 disciplines.
Character Development- In game characters will grow stronger to suit individual play styles. Character levels have no place in FOAD.
Creatures of the Wastes- Take on zombies, neo-nazis, savage dogs and more including their champions.
The 8th Legion team is planning on submitting to the Make Something Unreal competition phase 3. The Mod Center account (http://www.modcenter.com/sf/projects/tp_year_2xxx) will be used for news, previews and discussions. The team has already established SVN and tracking facilities elsewhere. If anyone is interested in helping out, do not hesitate to apply within the discussion board under 'Help Wanted', posting here or email: [email protected]
here is some concept art:

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