fmCamo pack .int fix.....

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I don't know if anyone else has had this problem, but several camos in the Fist Mlrs camopack wouldn't work. Found some stuff missing in the .int file. So I'm gonna put up the fixed file just in case. You can get the zip here.

BTW, as there will soon be a new ra286 server in place, we've been working hard to make sure that everything is in place to assist the community in finding any and all the files that will be needed to play on the ra286 server. For the time being, you can go here to find links to those files, maps, etc. We're doing some serious camo research to make things ....interesting :D If there is any file that I've accidently omitted or you just can't find, let me know. I've got a wee bit 'o webspace that I can use for hosting and anything else I can upload here or send some other way.

- NF