Flight ships

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Sep 17, 2004
I thought about it , that would be cool to have a drop ship that can be called anywhere in the map. At least , the call must be painted under a opensky.

-You could do it , put paradropers with onother kind of equipment. They would be AI controled of course. And have low hp compare to normal classes

-Or make like in unreal 2 if some of you played it, The dropship would get down and drop soldiers on the field.

That kind of idea could be used for (assault) and other kind of thing.

Since the mod include deployable turrets , i thought that it would be very nice.

Snipers could take out paraTroopers easily and dropships could be taked out be serval shots.

Dropships would be only used for specific maps , with serval path (so the enemy could not put like 500 turret camping just next the point where the dropship spawn)

They would spwn from a placable actor, out of the terrain to make it fell like if it comme from far away (not inside the map) , mappers (like me) could make the whole subtrac volume bigger than the terrain itself , and put these actor around it.

For the paratroops , You could use like the ONS.Painter in ut2004 , but instead of booms , that would be AI controler soldiers that are faster , but weaker.


Sep 17, 2004

Now sorry if i had recomended him.

And thx cheapy for looking at all his post.


New Member
Apr 26, 2005
Well after I talked to him a couple of days ago he explained a lot of things to me. I believe him though (he's a good friend of mine).
Besides I know why he's been quite cranky towards the leaders.
But whatever i'm going to write here has no use anyway.
He gave up his work because of this. :mad:
This all happend at a very bad moment for him, (i'm not gonna say why because this is a personal mather, I'm sorry.) :(
If this post provoces anyone (sorry)
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Defence Alliance Modeller
Jan 27, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
It would be easy to prove. Just get him to take a vid of him drawing or him holding the origionals..a small hickup such as this is not a reason to stop....providing it is his work, sounds like he is trying to get out of it without being forced into admitting he forged though