Fight like a man! Latest Map and Inf feature Wish-list!

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New Member
Dec 19, 1999
Hi Inf Team,

I hope you don't take suggestions from other games as insults, it is just that some games have really good ideas, and we want our favourite mod to be a combination of the best!

That being said, let me continue:..

As I've said before, Soldier of Fortune was absolutely the most immersively realistic single-player FPS experience you can buy right now because of a lot of combinations of real-life elements. Let me list them:

1) You travel to different countries like Iraq, Japan, Siberia and the enemies/PA system talks in the appropriate language! Just having this greatly increases the realism!!

Application: Can we have maps with Iraqi architecture, Japanese architecture or what-have-you. I'm kinda sick of shooting in NYC or some back-yard fort.

Multi-Language speech might be difficult I know, so this is just a far-off suggestion.

2) The main hero, John Mullins, a real-life 'consultant' in mercenary activities reloads weapons with commando efficiency and shoots ambidextrously (he switches hands when peering around a wall on the left - it's cool to see).

Application: like HL, Quake, Rogue Spear, Swat3 and UT itself, I find the reload animation rather amateurish in comparison. If you have the means - play Soldier of Fortune for the best military ideas - the way John Mullins reloads is brilliant - he does it in 1 second - and just seeing it is a kick. If Inf can have more professional reloading animation, that would be brill!

Also, can we have skins that mirror real-life soldiers more? In the background of Inf's website, we see the silhouette of a soldier with a hat - that is a start! Also some skins of soldiers from other countries. Is it just me, or do other people also want a hand at fragging some Russian soldiers, some German Border Commandoes, or some Lebanese Terrorists??

3) When you shoot enemies, they do the machine gun dance, and react appropriately when shot in different parts of the body.

Application: this one is probably impossible for the scope required, but like I said, it is a WISH-list.

I tell you, you have NOT played a FPS until you see the effect. When you see for the FIRST time in any FPS, an enemy jump up and down when you shoot him in the foot or clutch his throat when you shoot him there - it is the most realistic thing you've ever seen. It really feels like you're watching a movie rather than playing a game - it is that realistic. When you blow off a leg, you see the bone; when you shoot a shotgun in the guts, you see intestines; when you shoot a machine gun, they do the familiar jiggle you see in the movies. All of a sudden, a sniper head-shot does not automatically become the priority target - try sniping at the groin! The response is immensely realistic!

After playing this, and then playing another FPS the difference is immediately apparent and other FPS suddenly become fake-looking. It really DOES change your mind about how a FPS should look and is probably the next generation in realism. My point is, if Inf can somehow incorporate just a fraction of this realism, I think it will make it stand-out in the crowd. Very difficult, I know, working with the UT engine.

How it might be done is this: limbs can be blown off, the model will show an appropriate response when shot. It is really silly how you can fire away with a machine-gun, and the model will just run around as if he's bullet-proof. It doesn't have to be complex, but just show that at least when he's shot - he feels pain! I assure you, the visual effect vastly increases the realism. You will NEVER understand until you play a game that actually demonstrates this.

Some models might do other gestures too, like pointing when an order has been given out or something like that. It would be good to watch a character doing something human-like.

Finally I'd like to suggest something that Inf can improve in general: Bot AI. I would like to see more botd shooting using cover and less kamakazi attacks.

Also - can we have DEAFNESS?? If a bomb explodes near you, you ought to have a moment of being deaf, and even stunned for a while - now that's realism!!

thanks for reading!


Don't frag me, love me.

[This message was edited by ajy on May 22, 2000 at 23:56.]


Reason & Logic > Religion
Well, SOF is "kinda" realistic but if u want all of the violence features like the machine gun dance, sorry but it would be EXTREMELY DIFFICULT and would be too time consuming. SOF is realistic in terms of weapon limits but the violence is a bit over the top. John Mullins, the actual consultant said that in Real life, people arms don't fly off because of two .44 rounds and he admitted that the violence was over the top. Also, in SOF the enemy AI isn't too good, it's only difficult if u put on enemy respawn. About that ambidtextrous thing, NOT all soldiers are ambidtextrous. In Real life, reloading isn't THAT quick (1sec!?) . Maybe under fire with the adrenaline pumping but then reloading would still be slower than 1sec (I am estimating so Gryphon can u help me out please? /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif FINALLY, coding those animations would be very, very, very hard and time consuming again.


New Member
Dec 19, 1999
hmm... interesting..

well I agree, but it was a WISH-LIST, not a do or die request!

I agree the SOF AI wasn't too good. There was once they were shooting me, (they were below peering through a hole) and then I moved slightly to the left and they stopped shooting me! (I could just see their arm). Once I was looking directly at someone, and he didn't even "see" me.

I agree the violence is off the top, but I did suggest that showing some sort of generic "pain" gesture would suffice the realism part.

How about the deafness/stun suggestion though!! Wouldn't that just rock!


Don't frag me, love me.


New Member
Mar 3, 2000
From despair to where
Visit site
The reloading in SOF is extremely unrealistic. Reloading 8 shotgun shells in 2 seconds? I don't think that's possible...

I'm not a professional soldier, but I'm pretty sure Rogue Spear and SWAT 3 have more realistic reload times (remove the clip, put in on your belt if it still has ammo, take another clip from your belt, insert it into the gun, chamber the first round...takes a lot more than 1 second). And they balance the game perfectly. The point is to preserve ammunition so you don't have to reload during combat. If you could reload under 1 second, the game balance would be shot to hell.


New Member
Dec 19, 1999
Okay, but we really missed my point..

my point was not the speed, though it may have sounded like it. I just mentioned it as something interesting. My main point was the style of reload - now that was cool.

Some games takes the style of reload from a John Woo movie, which is fine for some themes, but I would like something more 'commando style' and something less pedestrian.

BUT how about the deafness/stun suggestion?? Fairly easy (?) to implement, and will vastly increase the realism! Just think of what you thought when you first experienced if first-person in Saving Private Ryan - it was realistic right, and never been done before right? That's what I'm talking about!

OH! And Inf team, here is another suggestion: can you implement various volume control. I find it ridiculous how taunts seem to be louder than my gun. I want to hear guns above all else. Sometimes I can be a few hundred metres away and not hear enemy guns - that is just plain silly. There is no UT map big enough for me not to hear gun sounds. Especially indoor maps. Sounds absolutely have to sound louder indoors, and hopefully a little different too /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Don't frag me, love me.

[This message was edited by ajy on May 24, 2000 at 03:55.]


Specops Spook
Jan 11, 2000
Find me a 'pro' who grabs the slide with his free hand and puts the mag in with his shooting hand. I find SOF's reloads hardly proffesional.

Deafness is pretty real but very 'unfun' for most people. And as for being stunned, you really have to go though a live fire exercise to know what it's like to react under pressure.

SOF's GHOUL maybe advanced but it's reduculous at times. For example, if you shoot a person in the foot, he starts jumping up and down like a fool completely ignorant of his being in a warzone. This is NOT realistic behaviour.

Not to shoot you down, but just point out why SOF is not a good example of real life=)

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