If I understood this correctly (haven't tested yet, am at work) then the reloading takes place during the feign death stuff. Means it needs exactly the same amount of time and is NOT instant or something similar. The FeignDeath is instant, not the reloading.
So there is no problem or abusage showing up with guys feigning death and reloading while doing so... what advantage does it bring other than the standard FeignDeath does?
The looking thru floors should normally not happen but if someone feigns at edges, slopes aso then he can abuse it in a way (if the map has a thin floor at these places). Reason is simple... the feign death 'camera location' is adjusted based on the actual feign death animation used. This done at a weird spot and the camera can end up slightly in the floor or wall.
But again... to abuse this is not really something that gives you an advantage. Why looking thru some metal stairs or similar locations in a feign death style... without your weapon in hands leaving you in a vulnerable position and a sec needed to get up again? If the enemy sees your body then most players will fire on it to make sure that you are really dead.
What is left now is the fact that feigning death is something to be watched at in general. So setting up a rule if it is allowed or not in clan matches aso. An easy way to 'reduce' it is to simply set the carcass lifespan to ie 5 secs or even lower. So real carcasses will vanish almost instantly... makes it very easy to spot a feigndeath player.
The other option is of course to stop feigning death by a mutator. Well maybe not to stop it but to penalize it in a way that noone will do it.
Easy task... check all players every second and check if they are in state 'FeigningDeath'. If so, then kill them. Maybe warn them for 3 secs or maybe 5 before actually killing them
. This will definetly get rid off FeigningDeath.