Far Cry 3 E3 Gameplay Trailer

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UT99/2004 Mod Crazy
Mar 26, 2009
INB4 "kantham's mad at triple a studios" tags.

As I said before. I think most people will buy this game for the single player. I would consider good multiplayer a great bonus for the game but I definitely won't drop it if it sucks.


New Member
Jun 2, 2008
Yeah, I really wonder: what are such meetings like? Do they talk about how much they can copy from CoD? Do they have people who say "not enough like CoD just yet"? Do they even discuss features individually, like, "CoD has this one thing, shouldn't we have that?" or do they just go all out and discuss it like "we're going to copy CoD but we'll add post-game-executions! All in favor say aye!"

I mean it can't be an accident that game after game looks pretty much exactly like CoD... there has to be intent, but what does that intent look like?
I'd really love to know.

Re MP: In this case I'm with Arnox. The only Far Cry multiplayer I played was Instincts, deathmatch and predator mode in splitscreen. Sometimes on maps we made ourselves. I don't really care about the multiplayer in this at all. That is, I didn't care before I even saw it. I definitely don't care now, lol.
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Sep 17, 2004
Lack of inspiration, "learn/copy" from the leading game of the genre they're building.

I think this is the real answer.
I mean, it's a "safe bet", because if they base their game mostly around this, then they know it will technically work. (But it doesn't mean it won't be shit)
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