What is WFlexMap ?
It is a small Unreal mod. It replaces the maplist any "normal" Game Type uses. It does NOT affect the maplist in your original ini files, but WFlexMap simply lets Unreal ignore all maps in your original maplist and uses its own.
Why use this one instead of the normal maplist? Simple... the normal unreal MapList class supports 32 maps to be stored and cycled through, after which the cycle will restart from the beginning. In effect, WFlexMap allows a map cycle of exactly 10000 maps per server, allowing larger cycles and lengthened fun... in addition, WFlexMap2 allows you a much more flexible map selection by its ability to choose maps depending on the playerload, rather than just putting up one map stupidly after the other... read the Notes/Features list for more stuff this maplist does better than the normal MapList.