i used to be able to play but i added unreall 2 to steam and now i get this i tried reinstalling but the same thing happened could you explaain his or tell me whta i can do to fix i i took it off steam fyi also my os is vista basic
General protection fault!
History: GetEventTool <- GetMusicManager <- GetMusicScript <- DMCallRoutine <- AMusicScriptEvent::execCallRoutine <- UObject::execClassContext <- (IntroGameInfo CS_Intro.IntroGameInfo0 @ Function U2.U2GameInfo.NotifyLevelChangeEnd : 0075 line 744) <- UObject:rocessEvent <- (IntroGameInfo CS_Intro.IntroGameInfo0, Function U2.U2GameInfo.NotifyLevelChangeEnd) <- UGameEngine::LoadMap <- LocalMapURL <- UGameEngine:rowse <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine
Build: Jan 7 2003 18:16:21
help appreciated ta
General protection fault!
History: GetEventTool <- GetMusicManager <- GetMusicScript <- DMCallRoutine <- AMusicScriptEvent::execCallRoutine <- UObject::execClassContext <- (IntroGameInfo CS_Intro.IntroGameInfo0 @ Function U2.U2GameInfo.NotifyLevelChangeEnd : 0075 line 744) <- UObject:rocessEvent <- (IntroGameInfo CS_Intro.IntroGameInfo0, Function U2.U2GameInfo.NotifyLevelChangeEnd) <- UGameEngine::LoadMap <- LocalMapURL <- UGameEngine:rowse <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine
Build: Jan 7 2003 18:16:21
help appreciated ta