Boom Dog sent in an email requesting that someone make him a mutator. How cool's that eh? You wanna help this guy with his request? Sure, he didn't tell us exactly what he wanted, or when... but that doesn't matter, right? Here's his exact words:
God knows he needs some help, if you wanna help him get in contact with him here.
Update: Seems he's not the only one who's in dire need of help. This new and exciting email was recieved two minutes before I posted this news article:
Hi I was wondering if someone could make a Mod or Mutator if your not busy if someone can please e-mail me back thank you.
God knows he needs some help, if you wanna help him get in contact with him here.
Update: Seems he's not the only one who's in dire need of help. This new and exciting email was recieved two minutes before I posted this news article:
OMFG FOFL can y0000000000000000000000u pleaze make meh a mod or mutator that
RoXxOrZ mAh WagN!?!?!!?! FOFLLOL tat would be soooooo cool!!! THX!!! BYE I LUV YOU!!!