The primary reason for this map's creation was two-fold: 1) To make as realistic a castle setting
as possible, and 2) an acid test of the UEd build process.
With respect to the first criteria, a LOT of time was spent on the architecture before any
editing was done. Altho the map may (to most) have excessive Z axis construction, care was
taken to keep the X and Y as tight as the architecture would allow. In these dimensions, it is
tighter than several of the stock Epic maps. Altho the textures provided with Unreal and UT are
a mark of true professionalism, there were many requirements they simply did not have.
Falkenstein was to be a white, shining castle with many unique features. Thus, the included
CT5 texture set. With the details, very little was spared for the sake of framerate...the motive
was realism. Given this, you're going to need quite a fast machine to avoid a slide show. Sorry,
I refuse to make "Room-tunnel-room" maps for the sake of cluster f**k fragging. Altho I was able
to completely pathnode the map and place weapons all about, this map is mostly for looks.
With respect to testing UEd's build capabilities, its my opinion that UEd passed with flying
colors. I draw this conclusion based on the fact that this map has over 30,000 polygons, excessive
use of semisolids (where semi's typically should not be used), and the resulting release build
has only one noticeable BSP error (see above)...which I'm sure could be alleviated if I was so
inclined. The only real problem UEd had during construction was with non-solid lamps early in
construction. I was, however, aware of this risk and, thus, I don't blame UEd too badly.
Two Regrets:
First is the flames inside. Falkenstein is of 19th century vintage and castle of this era seldom
used open flames throughout. I had started with lamps (similar to the ones used in Shane's Gothic),
but the required non-solid construction necessary to allow the corona to bleed thru was causing
major BSP & collision errors. Sadly, I was forced to return to flames. My apologies.
Second is my lack of ability to produce an appropriate music file. Kink Ludwig was in love
with Wagners music...and only a small Wagner piece was in order. I fooled around with mod tracker
and some other programs but was unable to come up with a fitting UMX. Again, my apologies.
About the Title:
Falkenstein was to be the fourth castle of (crazy) King Ludwig II of Bavaria. Sadly
he died from an accidental drowning (yeah, right) before construction began. His first three:
Neuschwanstein, Linderhof, and Herrenchiemsee, were constructed in the latter half of the 19th
century and still stand today. All are open to tourism and, if you ever visit Germany, you
should not miss these milestones of human endeavor. Inside and out, their beauty and display
of wealth are amazing beyond words.