UE2 - UT2kX Driving trough movers

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New Member
Aug 12, 2008
Hey! :) (The prefix said i'm using UE2, but im using Unrealed 3.0)

If i'm making an Assault racing map, I always make roads that appear after an objective or I make a tunnel which is closed with a mover.
But when I take a car and drive against it I do not bump against it, i just drive trough it. So when i'm gonna look in the properties of the mover I cant find anything. I cant find anything if i look in other maps with it..
So can anyone tell me what I have to change in the properties of mover or anything else?

(Short: How can I make a mover which vehicles not can just drive/fly trough it?)

By the Way, i cant find it with searching here on the forums.

Thanks in Advance for any help! ;)
a usual mover does not block karma-objects like vehcles or dead bodys. If the move is a self-made staticmesh go to the StaticMesh-Browser and set "bUseSimpleKarmaCollision" to false.
If this does not help or if the mover is a retail-mesh, go to MoverProperties -> Collision and set "bBlockKarma" to true.