Okay, when someone unleashes a plague or chemical weapons in Brussels, or Paris, or where ever, and a few thousand of your fellow Europeans die a horrible lingering death, then you can show the crocodile tears for all those poor innocent civilians that have died in our struggle to free the Afghan people from the tyrants who supported the terrorists.
This is war, these aren't policeman trying to catch a few drug smugglers or the odd jaywalker. This is a military response to an action that was directed by elements within that country with at least the tacit approval of the government of that country.
I personally, and you will find most americans will agree, do not care if we kill, 5, 500, or 5000 Afghans, as long as we destroy the framework that supported the attacks that have, and will take place, against our civilization. Our military has, considering the amount of firepower we have unleashed, done an admirable job of keeping civilian casualties to a minimum. That is all we can do, and I say good job so far.
The only alternative is to do nothing, and let them strike us again and again. How many attacks like the WTC would be enough do you think, before you think it is worthwhile to strike back?
another 5000, 10,000, when they set off a nuclear device in Washington, or London, or Brussels?
It is sad, that innocents must be lost, and that we can not keep any civilians from being killed. However, innocent blood had already been spilled, on September 11, even before that, when the Taliban took over that country and set it's people under their perverted system of laws.( Women, having their lips cutoff for wearing lipstick, soccer stadium turned into an execution ground, people beaten and killed for lstening to music or trying to teach their little girls the ABC's.)
The funny thing is, these are the very sentiments, that allow these monsters to carry on, since the fear of shedding "innocent" blood has stayed our hand many times in the past, when we could have struck at these beasts.
Rant over, carry on.