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... Quake for evah ?
Apr 27, 2006
Limoges, France
Hello there :)
I've finished my new Unreal Tournament 99 map entitled Voodoo Space.

It's a Quake 3 style map (noo, don't beat me !:lol: ) but there are no Jumpads. The difficulty is to create a Q3 style without Jumpads. I hope I've managed this.

It's my second map for UT, so give me constructives posts ;)

Here is the screensot :

And the link : (I'm waiting the map is on the site, so I put the link from my FTP.. When the map is on it, I'll change the link in order to get place).

ps : I'm sorry for my English, I know is bad :D


****** from Teen Arts
Feb 12, 2004
No trim, no lighting, it's symetrical and it has only 2 height levels...these are the bad things...
The good thing is that the map has really good perfo^^.


... Quake for evah ?
Apr 27, 2006
Limoges, France
Thanks for your comment, milb ! ;)

No trim, no lighting, it's symetrical and it has only 2 height levels...these are the bad things...

My goal is to create a very simple map, but your remarks are right. I would make in kind do it in my next map :)

The good thing is that the map has really good perfo^^.
I was sure of it ;)


Director of Misanthropy
Feb 24, 2004
A very weak map, in my opinion. In addition to milb's comments, here are some other points to keep in mind for the future:

- If you're going to use the LightBox mesh, turn down its Display.ScaleGlow property so it doesn't look so opaque.
- Don't relegate pickups to corners and edges where it's inconvenient to grab them, unless it's something really powerful and you want there to be a trade-off for obtaining it.
- Don't use BumpOpenTimed for lifts, as bots don't understand that state correctly. Use StandOpenTimed instead.
- You need to match the LiftTag properties on LiftCenter and LiftExit actors to the Tag of the corresponding mover, or bots won't use them correctly.
- Make sure the timing on your movers is appropriate. The default values don't work well in your map; they should move a bit faster and shouldn't stay open nearly as long as they do.
- Don't use more PathNodes than are necessary, and remember that any pickup is a node in the path network and thus doesn't need a PathNode on top of it.
- Never place PlayerStarts so they spawn a player facing a long drop, as it leads to unintentional suicides and tons of frustration.
- If you're only going to use a few textures from a custom package, then MyLevel them instead of including the pack. Your download size could be (and should be) a lot smaller than it is.
- Your coronas are too large. If a corona is large enough that it significantly affects visibility and thus detracts from the gameplay, then it's not fulfilling its purpose.
- Where are the sound effects? Don't overlook this!
- Don't use the Redeemer unless the map is large enough to accommodate it. This one isn't even close, in my opinion.


****** from Teen Arts
Feb 12, 2004
Hm, I actually only commented to the pic. Coz 2MB is way to much for such a map...sorry (and it also not the style of map I like, even in q3^^). Donwloaded it after I commented...^^

To Lightboxes...there're to big. Scale them done. There're not really necessary, coz the lights which use those boxes don't glow bright enough to cause such effects (generally your lighting needs more brightness/darkness contrasts).
Like Ironblayde also said, the coronas are to big. And in my opinion wrong placed...
Like I said before the map is missing trim. Look at your construction, it's pretty easy. If you trim the whole thing it would look much better...
You should at least choose two collors of Lighting...One for baselighting and one for contrasts (in your case I also would choose a lightcolor for the "Sunlight"). This is not q3! White light ins't that good idea when you build a UT-map.

Next thing is the Archi. Hm, where is it? Hm, the map only contains floors but I think there're ways to fill it with interessting strucktures...

Next time use some jumppads (see swjumpad, it's great)...And do some more archi, the problem is that I can see from anywhere to everywhere...which makes the gameplay a bit boring...or at least not UT'ish...^^
P.S. Rating would be somewhere between 3 and 1...maybe 2. But I won't rate it...if it's truly your second map it's not that bad...