UT3 DM-Relinquish [WIP] [PICS]

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New Member
Apr 2, 2008
DM-Relinquish alpha beta for download

i released it uncomplete like that because I didnt want to do too much incase i had to make major changes hence why its an alpha :p

Description:Small-media size
Credits:SBR WUT ! Slainchild, vYd aka VoiD, bU|Cr4zyb4st4rd, Sjosz, Hourences' tutorials and other guys @ #unrealed
Homepage:not yet
Download:not yet

erm here's an alpha http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/5/30/1128447/DM-Relinquissh_privalphabeta6.zip I couldnt wait till I finish a beta to give you something, so this is what I have done so far, the area behind the helmet room hasnt much colision because it's a new addition, and I have finished fuly decorating but the map is still playable 97% playable :p I have an amp and a deemer for casual players but it isnt in the way at all for comp players, but im probs gonna end up havent seperate versions, there is also invul and berserk too but it is no accessible yet, so thats unfinished, its near the swamp, you'll be able to see it from lower 50/bio area let me know it its a good place thanks..

heres some newish shots but not the latest :p



ps havent attempted any real optimizing so the performance is going to be better for the beta.

but yeah comment the layout lighting pickups w/e lol thanks Bless

OLDDDDD SHOTS: have to keep these they make me lol I can't believe myself how much I have changed the map for the better, I improved a lot in mapping working on this 1 map lol


2 months on and off went into this so more, more to come hoping for a beta release perhaps this week or next !!
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New Member
Apr 2, 2008
Alrighty thanks Im keeping it as the yellow sky then :p atm im finishing off the little parts of missing mesh and adding blocking volumes, longgg hehe
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New Member
Apr 2, 2008
erm here's an alpha http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/5/30/1128447/DM-Relinquissh_privalphabeta6.zip I couldnt wait till I finish a beta to give you something, so this is what I have done so far, the area behind the helmet room hasnt much colision because it's a new addition, and I have finished fuly decorating but the map is still playable 97% playable :p I have an amp and a deemer for casual players but it isnt in the way at all for comp players, but im probs gonna end up havent seperate versions, there is also invul and berserk too but it is no accessible yet, so thats unfinished, its near the swamp, you'll be able to see it from lower 50/bio area let me know it its a good place thanks..

heres some newish shots but not the latest :p



ps havent attempted any real optimizing so the performance is going to be better for the beta.

but yeah comment the layout lighting pickups w/e lol thanks Bless
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New Member
Apr 2, 2008
must of put in 5+ hours in got a lot more done and still trying out new things, must of put in well over 10 hours this week lol <3 map but so time consuming lol even had exams where on earth did I find the time!


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
With the fear of this thread getting locked for necromancy, does anyone perhaps still have a version of this map? The old download link doesn't working any more, I'm really liking what's been shown in the shots here, I wanted to see how it's been done in the editor.


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
Thanks for the link, but that's a different map for 2k4. I'll try sending the author a PM and hope that gets through to his email.