UT3 DM-LTC_Olden (final)

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New Member
Feb 26, 2008
Name: DM-LTC_Olden

Version: 1.0
Compatibility: PC,PS3

Description: Once a mighty fortress, this beautiful and ancient ruin has become a battlefield for the tournament. War is once again waged in this crumbling keep of old.

Comments: My Fourth map overall and definately (well in my opinion) best looking. The layout is from an old ps2/gamecube/xbox game called James Bond Agent Under fire and it was always my favourite MP level. It was like this set in a castle but unlike this it was not overgrown or crumbling. The map is set at sunset and is very detailed. I have spent a good deal of time on this and I hope you all think it was worth the effort!


Credits: ME, Mclogenog and all other Beta testers, Epic and whoever made james bond agent under fire.
Homepage: N/A

PC: http://files.filefront.com/DM+LTC+Oldenzip/;10272046;/fileinfo.html
PS3: http://files.filefront.com/DM+LTC+OldenPS3zip/;10272047;/fileinfo.html


New Member
Feb 26, 2008
Im glad you like it :D Was beggining to wonder if everyone hated the final version. lol

my next map is a cross between Dm-shipment's theme and a desert theme. It is a ctf/vctf (haven't decided yet) and a good deal larger than any of my other maps :D


New Member
I've been meaning to come back and say something, I just couldn't think of much intelligent to say. I think I have noticed that you backed off on that desaturation a little since the last beta and it looks better. Other than that I haven't noticed a lot of difference since the last few iterations. You've probably noticed I'm not the most observant person in the world. I post mostly just to tell people when I like their maps.