UT3 DM-Chiasma [D/L][Pics][Final]

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New Member
Sep 8, 2010

Version: Final
Compatibility: Patch 2.1 (No Titan assets used)
Number of Player 2-12

Description: While dividing my map (DM-Richter) I draw on the analogy of meiosis where the diploid chromosomes are crossed over to generated diversity before being halved, through a process of cross over or Chiasma

--- DM-Chiasma (Berserk Side)
--- DM-Richter_SP (UDamage Side)

Comments: My First attempt at mapping.

Screenshot: DM-Chiasma


[Custom Music]
zYnthetic, CBP team
[Beta Testers]
Bl!tz, Lex, Stevelois, Syphix, Taffy, Tipper
coolcat22, Piranhi

###### Tutorials and Knowledge ######
zYnthetic VeloCity soundtrack,CBP Team,Stevie's Coner Duplicating Epic content,Stevie's Coner Enforcer tut,Joshua Javaheri,Ben Burkart Level Optimisation,AVLD tutorials,IceCreamYou Tutorial Index,Waylons Learning Unreal Engine 3,Ambershees scripting tutorials,Odedge awesome link resource,UDN,Hourences TUTORIALS - INDEX,3D BuzzEat3D