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"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Well, here is my very first complete map: Bio Facility.
It was first presented on another thread:
I hadn't planned on releasing it online but Hourences,
Chrysaor, and faderide were nice enough to give me
some positive feedback on the screenshots so ... here it is.
Thanx for the support people! ... :D
(I half expected everyone to just laugh at it)
It is a smallish map based on the Decayed texture pack with
lots of dark little places to hide from your opponent. It also has
a few traps including: a drop floor into the slime and a two piece
trap door by the shield belt.
These were exceedingly hard to get pathed right but, I finally
got the bots to use them. :)
Here is the first shot:




"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
And here is the Zip file:

(about time huh? ... :lol: )
It uses the Razor-ub music track which is part of the original
game I believe.
I really hope everyone enjoys playing it. :)
Any and all suggestions/complaints welcome. :D




Far beyond driven
Finally got to download it.
Alot more to it than ya initially think. Definately worth exploring.
You got little treasures all over.
Its a fun map. Got some nice sniping places. Alot of action when ya load it up max (especially with the two redeemers :D )
You shouldn't have hesistated on releasing it. Its a decent map.
You should have seen my first released map (I SHOULD have


"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Originally posted by faderide
Finally got to download it.
Alot more to it than ya initially think. Definately worth exploring.
You got little treasures all over.
Its a fun map. Got some nice sniping places. Alot of action when ya load it up max (especially with the two redeemers :D )
You shouldn't have hesistated on releasing it. Its a decent map.
You should have seen my first released map (I SHOULD have
I am glad that you finally got to download it faderide.
Thanx for the kind words.
Very happy you enjoy playing it.
It must have downloaded OK. ... :cool:! You don't have any
complaints or suggestions? Please speak up if you do.
Ya ... I tried to make some nice sniping places there. Like the
masked wall sections up top. You can stay up there in the one
big room by the KEG and snipe for some time if you are a good
dodger. Until someone comes along with a Ripper and bounces
a few blades around that is. ;) I also have fun fragging someone
who follows me through the teleporter to the lower pipes.
(I am sure you know what I mean ... ;) )
What I don't get is that it was downloaded 7 times but
you are the only one who posted back. :hmm:
Maybe they are still in awe? ( just kidding ... lol )
It's my apprehension that may have scared many I fear. :(
Maybe I am too much the perfectionist but there are so many
newbish maps out there already and I was a little intimidated
by some of the awesome maps we have seen.
You are right that I should have released it a long time ago.
But I had to tweak some things just before release and I didn't
know nearly as much about lighting and bot pathing back
then as I do now so...
a year ago Bio Facility might not have been as "appealing"
as it is now. :lol:
A couple of my later and more complex maps suffer from the usual
little bugs and BSP holes but I will now work on them with
renewed vigor.




"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Originally posted by faderide
Sorry..can't insert image at the momment for some strange reason. It was a small one..some of the yellow trim above the bio pool area. Hardly noticable unless your at just the right angle.
Hmmm ... yellow trim above the bio pool area? I may know where
you mean but a screenshot would really help ... if you can't add one... no biggie. :D ... I'll look for it.
Given the way I had to take the grid down to one to align the
brushes it's a wonder there weren't BSP holes or more HOM
problems. Now that I have been using UEd for a while I am
amazed this map came out as good as it did. :D
Thanx for the feedback faderide!
One thing I noticed after downloading it today (as a test) was
that for some reason all the weapons are rotating now. I went
back in UEd and I am now sure they were all set to
rotating pick-up = false.
How would releasing it online affect the weapon rotation?! :hmm:
Oh, one thing I wanted to ask you was how you liked the way
I made the bubbling sludge bin with the caution strip around it?
It was an extremely simple trick and I thought it added to the bio
facility feel. Was it too tacky all big like that?
OK ...I've rambled enough for now ... :lol:




Far beyond driven
I had that problem with a weapon changing from not rotating to rotating-after setting it to not rotating. Had to delete it, redoit, rebuild. Dont know why that happens sometimes.
I liked the bubble effect for the bubble sludge.;)
Heres an image of what I saw.......


"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Originally posted by faderide
I had that problem with a weapon changing from not rotating to rotating-after setting it to not rotating. Had to delete it, redoit, rebuild. Dont know why that happens sometimes.
I liked the bubble effect for the bubble sludge.;)
Heres an image of what I saw.......
Wow! That is strange. I didn't have any idea there would
be such a problem there. Strange that I don't see it here.
Thanx for bringing it to my attention.
It must be that the ramp is a semi-solid. I always try to change
all the solids I can to semis. It saves file size. I was actually
able to shave almost a megabyte from one of my 4mb maps by
changing every solid I could to semis.
I am glad the big bubbling sludge bin didn't look too bad.
Since it is just one of the regular sludge barrels rescaled then
made undamagable and put inside the round bin, I was afraid it
might look like a cheesy n00b trick. :D
Now, ... if some of those phantom downloaders
would just speak up ... :p ... ;)

