Dissapearing music - please help

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Oct 16, 1999
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I love Unreal SP so much, and the music is so beautifull. But in some maps when I save a game, then come back to play it by loading it, the music is gone for the rest of the map, like in Na Pali Haven. The music is playing great, I save, but when I load I only hear sounds, no music. This ruins the map for me, and I just don't like playing a map from start to finish in one shot, the only way I can now play it and still hear music. Can anyone help? P.S. this doesn't happen with ALL maps, just some.


Aug 12, 2001
OK, if you didn't have the music files the level wouldn't load.
Some maps have different settings like music events that change the music depending on triggers (where you are).
Most umx files in unreal have several differnt song sections for the mappers to choose from
ambient (most common)

I've experienced music problems in UT before. What genreally happens is the correct msic plays while the map is loading or precaching, once it's finished (loading) the music will default.
There is no default music for Unreal, it would just be silent. My guess is this is your problem.
Try a differnt rendering device to see if this fixes the problem.