Frostblood said:
Don't you think maybe that's exactly how Bin Laden wants you to react? It's a lot easier to stir up Muslims to hate a country that hates Islam.
Mabye your right about me, but the bin dude wants to control people.He had several million bucks, and when I first saw the thing on tv comming in from afganistan looked very poorly and a dang hoarse carts.But yet with all his money he killed people whom had no grudge.
So ya, hating him dubbs him in along with "muslum" or whatever they have Islam, hell I don't know and don't care to be knowledgable in some crap that thinks killing yourself and taking down as many inocent people as possible is somthing wich can suck my big D.
And a long time ago I heard on am talk radio, forgot what the issue was , like 10 years ago, but he said they stopped an uprising (somware) poterico? not sure, .
But he said they put a pig in with the coffin.And it stopped the uprising in a fast mannor.
I say once they find that zarchy? guy, chop his head off on national tv, and video of him being covered with dirt along with a pig.And make sure his head is facing away from meca.and more than 24 hours too let him rot first with the pig.
Hell you could put anything next to my coffin, and thats how illogical and stupid that muslum crap is.
And don't come back with , oh what about a cross on my tombstone or dirt, fine by me,because I aint all bent on such crap, your dead, then your dead.
And I would have still been part of the uprising they failed at.pigs, lol