After seeing Infiltration at the CNET top 10 thingy, I've really been enjoying 2.75. However, after reading the roadmap, I'm a bit concerned that the game I'm enjoying may well disappear. Now, I'm not saying I'm opposed to introducing features like inventory limits and bleeding to death. However, I do not expect that *I* will like these features, so I would truly appreciate the simple ability to disable any or all of the new realism aspects. That way, I'll be able to try them out, and use them if I like them, and if I don't, I won't have to go back to using 2.x...
Other misc. suggestions/gripes/nitpicks:
Robar? Who? /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif I'm guessing the Robar rifle is in use by actual militaries and that's why it was chosen, but there are many more (and much cooler, IMHO) .50BMG rifles out there. Check out to see their beautiful AR-50, and for Barrett's 3 .50BMG rifles, though I imagine the M82A1 would unbalance things a bit.
It just occurred to me that a crossbow of some kind would make an interesting addition to the weapons roster. Powerful, silent, super slow rate of fire...
It would be very nice if the Radar gave some indication of relative height. Playing in places like DM-Crane is made rather difficult by not having any idea whether players are above, below, or level with you.
Nitpick: The model for the frag grenade is incorrect. That's a concussion grenade. The grenades from Half-Life were a perfect representation of a fragmentation grenade.
Keep up the great work!
Other misc. suggestions/gripes/nitpicks:
Robar? Who? /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif I'm guessing the Robar rifle is in use by actual militaries and that's why it was chosen, but there are many more (and much cooler, IMHO) .50BMG rifles out there. Check out to see their beautiful AR-50, and for Barrett's 3 .50BMG rifles, though I imagine the M82A1 would unbalance things a bit.
It just occurred to me that a crossbow of some kind would make an interesting addition to the weapons roster. Powerful, silent, super slow rate of fire...
It would be very nice if the Radar gave some indication of relative height. Playing in places like DM-Crane is made rather difficult by not having any idea whether players are above, below, or level with you.
Nitpick: The model for the frag grenade is incorrect. That's a concussion grenade. The grenades from Half-Life were a perfect representation of a fragmentation grenade.
Keep up the great work!