Disable Dead-Live talk or Disable Ghosting?

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Disable Dead-Living Talk or Free Ghosting

  • No Free Ghosting

    Votes: 8 80.0%
  • Disable Dead to Living Talk

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jan 29, 2000
Portland, OR
I currently have the server set up so that Dead people cannot talk to Living people. This is a problem because there is nothing to clue players into the fact that they are not able to talk to the living. It also keeps them out of the non-play related coversations that are going on witht he living players.

I am considering enabling Dead to Live talk and disabling Ghosting al-together. Players would still be able to view from other player's cameras but they could not free Ghost.

As always, however, I would like to get your opinions. Please tell me what you want.



Koohii o nomimasu ka?
I wouldn't use any of those methods. No Free ghosting is boring as hell when you are dead.

Disable dead to living talking is so radical it shouldn't even be considered. What a better way to ruin the ambiance on a good server.

No free ghosting is acceptable. GD is configured that way. I don't like it, but I can live with that. But limiting the chat like that... CS has a similar feature IIRC and it anoyed me to the highest point. Online gaming is lot about communicating IMO. If you block that, you simply block a part of onlie gaming fun.

19 read. 5 voted? Lazy asses.

That may be because you forgot the most important possibility: "None of the above"... ;)
Last edited:


Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
Visit site
i personally prefer roaming around ghosting to that annoying "behindview 0.5"-like view, where all you see is a player's back. However, people using free ghosting and cheating to living teammates can easily be kicked, because most of the chatter between dead and living players will be a nessecary part of online gameplay, like geo said. I mean, why would you want to miss your 9 dead teammates cheering you on when you grab the cd/kill a bunch of people, all on your own?