Direct Wireless versus ISDN

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May 13, 2002
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We are just getting wireless here at the office because its the only high speed available in our area. In our area there are 2 companies 1 dealing with license wireless and the other unlicensed. These deal with what frequencies they use.

I am told that license is better, more reliable and does no suffer from drop out during heavy rain. Have no idea if this is true. We could for an additional $10 (Canadian) get a "gamers package" which was suppose to reduce ping. Not sure if thats bull **** or not. We did not go with this company simply because the service was supposed to be ready in May and they still don't have hard ware on the tower ready.

With the unlicense service we need to be within 10km (I think thats right) of the tower with direct LOS - no trees. Luckly with their new tower we can get it with a 10 foot extension on our tower and its only 2.7 kms away.

They are installing it tommorrow so I will let you know how it is. The service is supposed to be good enough to run our 2 web servers. I'll see if I can get an install of INF on my work machine if you want me to test it but its a rather busy week.

Now I have to start securing our network.

Hope this helps.


Bird Brain
Feb 6, 2002
Cambridgeshire, UK
Well, I can't really advise on a direct wireless link seeing s though I've never had one, but ISDN is quite underrated. It's a heck of a lot better than traditional modems for pings. Drawbacks are the lack of bandwidth, although 128Kbps isn't bad. Also, it's not an always-on connection, so you'd have to find a good deal with an ISP (always-on, no phone charges and 128K supporting ones are tricky to come by, and usually have hefty monthly bills).