defuse mines?

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New Member
May 28, 2000
Don't know if this has been covered somewhere else, but since there are going to be hidden bundles of explosive, fragmentary fun in the form of Claymore and OZM-4 mines in the upcoming incarnation, I was just wondering if there is going to be any way to remove/defuse these nasty little objects should you happen to notice one before it spreads you across the landscape. you're _suppossed_ to be able so dig planted mines out with a K-BAR or other combat knife (but damned if you'll ever catch ME doing it!) And I'm sure there has to be a way to unprime a tripwired claymore. Just wondering if anyone has any input on the subject...
Oh, and can claymores be triggered by a clacker instead of just a tripwire? (ie. remote control)

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Dr. Strangelove

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Aug 20, 1999
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I agree that you should be able to disable mines, but why? mb in ctf if the other team put mines in your base, but in dm or as the game is much too fast, you would get shot while digging them up (think about what might happen if you rush:))

I also think you should be able to do traps and things like the Viet Cong did in the Vietnam war. One of the coolest things you could do (that the VC also did) would be to take the pins out of some grenades, but keep the spoon on. Drop those grenades into a spent rocket launcher tube with a pin in the bottom. tie a string to the pin and string it across a path. when the enemy runs into the string, it pulls out the pin, droping many armed grenades on the ground arround you.

-Dr. Strangelove

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