Don't know if this has been covered somewhere else, but since there are going to be hidden bundles of explosive, fragmentary fun in the form of Claymore and OZM-4 mines in the upcoming incarnation, I was just wondering if there is going to be any way to remove/defuse these nasty little objects should you happen to notice one before it spreads you across the landscape. you're _suppossed_ to be able so dig planted mines out with a K-BAR or other combat knife (but damned if you'll ever catch ME doing it!) And I'm sure there has to be a way to unprime a tripwired claymore. Just wondering if anyone has any input on the subject...
Oh, and can claymores be triggered by a clacker instead of just a tripwire? (ie. remote control)
and remember kiddies, FRONT TOWARDS ENEMY
"We're a peace loving people...And we'll KILL anyone who tries to take that peace away!"
Oh, and can claymores be triggered by a clacker instead of just a tripwire? (ie. remote control)
and remember kiddies, FRONT TOWARDS ENEMY
"We're a peace loving people...And we'll KILL anyone who tries to take that peace away!"