I've been having a major problem recently, with the source release on FilePlanet. It says in the Readme.txt to place DAData.u in the UT\System directory if you get compile errors for missing data/files/etc but, it doesn't work. The Source won't compile because it's not finding the model data in DAData.u to show the weapons. I've been able to get it to compile however by editing out the DAData information, but now I'm stuck as to how to get the meshes to work right and show up for the default playerview, thirdperson, and pickup meshes. I'm pretty new to coding in uscript, so any help would be greatly appreciated. I love this mod, and from what I've seen of the actual uscript coding, you guys have done a great job.
BTW, specs incase they're needed:
Unreal Tournament patched to 436
Defence Alliance 1.7 Source (from fileplanet)
Using Notepad to do the code editing of the .uc files, and 'ucc make' to recompile everything.
BTW, specs incase they're needed:
Unreal Tournament patched to 436
Defence Alliance 1.7 Source (from fileplanet)
Using Notepad to do the code editing of the .uc files, and 'ucc make' to recompile everything.