Dedicated Server for INF

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.


New Member
Aug 15, 2001
N.E. Ohio
Recently I read someone's post while looking for an answer to a similar question. He wanted to know how to get a dedicated server going, to which someone's reply was simply "click on the ded server button".

That is not the answer I want. I run th REAL dedicated server to host REAL Unreal Tournament Servers. The REAL UT DEDICATED SERVER has NO GUI, and thus INF will not load, making us dedicated server operators unable to "click the launch ded. server" button. Maybe in this other guys case, he doesn't run the ded. ut server version, and that will work fine for him. I'm not trying to start anything (if what I wrote seems "snippy" I appologize!). I don't run the "retail" and click dedicated for normal UT, either - When you run a server of gameservers, be it multiple versions of UT, or other games, you quickly try to save as much CPU time as you can. Since the gamserver is not PLAYED on (it simply hosts games) there is no point in installing the "retail UT" on it, as the retail sucks CPU and RAM, even in dedicated mode for graphics and.. ..well, whatever else. For those who don't know this, there is a HUGE difference (in regular UT without mods like INF) between the server-only version and the retail package.
Back to the point, however :) Is there a way to get INF to run on a dedicated server as described above, WITHOUT clicking on the gui buttons.. Something in command-line, for instance? I looked through the manual (briefly skimming) and didn't notice anything about it in there.. :(

TIA for your time and to all who play INF - I'm fairly new to INF (recently "converted" from a life of Tac-Ops, which I will never play again!!!) and hoping to share the INF "love" at our next LANFest. Take care and frag on!!



Old Timey Stillhouse Thug
Jul 30, 2001
Visit site

that guy told ya to set up through the GUI cuz he thought it would be easier to let the default options to be setup in the infiltration.ini file for ya, rather than having you try and noodle around in it yourself.

but you can also take a look here:

and then try this from a run prompt:

c:\unrealtournament\system\ucc.exe server DM-Bunkers.unr?game=InfiltrationUT.InfilTeamGamePlus?mutator=BotPack.NoPower?ini=infiltration.ini

or create this batch file for win98:
ucc.exe server DM-Bunkers.unr?game=InfiltrationUT.InfilTeamGamePlus?mutator=BotPack.NoPower?ini=infiltration.ini?log=inf_server.log
copy inf_server.log inf_server_crash.log
goto top

or this batch file for NT:
start /wait C:\UnrealTournament\System\ucc.exe server
ups -multihome=

multihome for specifying a separate nic (use a live IP, not the loopback ;)
and there's no need for a log or reloading because of the 'wait' command.

the above info was cold ganked from the

check 'em, there's a wealth of info in there!

damn! gotta run!
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